Authors Note-Please Read!

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Hello! I bet all I you are freaking out seeing this. Haha.

Sooo....I've been struggling with this story a bit. I feel as if the plot is going absolutely no where. Part of me reeeaaaalllllllllly wants to just delete this story and write a new one, with a new, more developed and well thought out plot.

I know most of you will be crushed, but what's the point in writing this story if it seems more like a chore? The plot is terrible. I wrote this over three months ago. Back then, I was a terrible author. Now that I've grown, I see this story and give myself a mental facepalm.

I'm honestly so torn guys. I don't want to delete. This story is almost sentimental to me. But when you don't know how to continue? That's when things get tough.

So that's where you come in. I need to know your HONEST opinion. Don't just think about the story. If I so delete this one, I will brainstorm a new, improved and totally amazing fanfic that will most likely still be Peter Pan.

I'm really indecisive so I new your input. Yay or nay to The Princess and the Bloody Demon? Would you much rather me write an entirely new story? Please comment your opinions.

At the moment I'm leaning towards deleting and writing a new fanfic, but your opinion matters to me.

Thanks for understanding (and I know I say that too much)! Love you!

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now