CHAPTER #19- Third Date's a Charm, Right?

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Riley’s POV:


My eyes flutter open and I inhale deeply only to be greeted by the pungent odor of cleaning supplies and antiseptics. And much to my horror, I’m back at the Lab, in the same dreaded tank as before.

I swivel my head around frantically and try to swim up, but steel chains pin me to the bottom of the massive tank, meaning no escape. The water is a fluorescent blue in color; lighten up by some blinding LED lights below a large layer of Plexiglas. I couldn’t believe I was back here. I never wanted to, not now, not ever. It’s a living nightmare. And that would be an understatement.

“Good morning, sweetheart, ready for another exciting day of experimenting?” I hear an all too familiar voice chant from behind me.

The one and only Dr. O’ Neil.

“I will never take any commands form you, you monster!” I spat back, baring my teeth and furrowing my eyebrows.

“Oh, but we have our ways.” He smirks evilly, holding up a small remote control. I could only assume that if the button was pressed, something awful, most likely harmful, would occur. I sigh in defeat.

“Fine. But Peter saved me once, and he can save me again. And this time, the result would be worse than before.” A look of remembrance floods his face, and he looked terrified for a second, but only a second.

“Oh, but you see, Peter Pan won’t rescue his ‘damsel in distress ‘this time. We’ve improved our technology, all of our security equipment. Some of it the best in the country, possibly even the world. There’s no way you can possibly escape. Your ‘Peter’ will not be able to rescue you.”

I sink lower into the tank.

Never leave? I think to myself, No. Surely Peter will find a way and save me. I know he will. Won’t he?

A voice interrupts my train of thought.

“Riley,” Dr. O’Neil says, walking closer with his eyes bugging out creepily, a large grin fit for a serial killer planted on his face, “Riley, Riley, Riley…”

Out of nowhere I go into a spasm, shaking uncontrollably. I look over and see Dr. O’Neil pressing the button on the remote. It was weird. I couldn’t feel a thing.

As Dr. O’ Neil gets closer, his face begins to morph into crazy deformations.

“Riley, Riley, Riley, Riley, RILEY!!!”

*End of dream*

I sit straight up in bed, beads of sweat dripping down my face. I’m completely out of breath; that was my first nightmare in ages. I look over to Peter, to see his arms firmly grasping my shoulders and a looked of worry and fear painted across his face.

“R-Riley, are y-y-you okay?” he asks, his voice stuttering uncontrollably. I’m must’ve really petrified him.

“Yeah,” I reply, rubbing my head in pain, “I normally never get nightmares, I don’t know where this came from.”

“Shhh…it’s alright. I’m here.” Peter says wrapping one arm around my torso, gently stroking my back. Leave it to Peter to know how to be comforting.

“It just seemed all so…life like.” I say, my eyes beginning to widen.

“It’s fine. I’m here. There’s nothing to worry about now. You’re safe. Whatever it was that scared you, it can’t harm you anymore.” He replies, flashing me a reassuring smile.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now