CHAPTER #20- The New Visitor

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Riley’s POV:

“What do you mean, ‘someone has entered Neverland’? Riley and I put up that protection spell a long time ago. There’s no way someone can get through.” Says Peter, obviously baffled.

“Unless by a spell,” I point out, “They must be from a realm with magic. Which, thankfully, cancels out the scientists from the Lab.”

“Then who could it possibly be, love?”

“I’m guessing it’s someone looking for me. We should go check it out.”

“But our date was going so well.” Peter whines.

“Once we find out who this is, then we can have our date. If they’re not evil or anything.” I assure him.

“Okay.” He moans, standing up carefully, as to not tip over any of the candles. I follow him, and we head out of the cave, trailing Peter’s Shadow.

“Were was this person seen?” Peter asks him.

“In the ocean, but when I went to look, I saw no one there.”

“Must really have some good magic capabilities, then. Possibly they swam or have an invisibility spell.” Peter replies knowingly.

“No, sir, I would’ve known if there were any invisibility spell. They must’ve traveled deep under water.”

“Lead us were they are,” Peter orders, “Riley, you have your pixie-dust necklace, correct?”

I nod solemnly.

“Good. Time to sprinkle some on, love.”

I take my necklace from my drawstring bag and pull off the cork, which makes a loud ‘pop’ noise.

I sprinkle a bit of the glowing emerald powder onto the palm of my hand, close my eyes tight so none gets in and irritates them, and dash some on me like I’m trying to carefully place sprinkles on a cake.

I believe, and begin to float; getting the same sensation you always do when you fly. It’s as if you have no boundaries, no limitations—you are absolutely free. Nothing is weighing you down. As if you are on top of the world. You should try it sometime.

Peter shadows me as we start soaring higher and higher into the sky, the bright sun blinding us. We shade our eyes, and follow the Shadow, who was clearly visible, hence him being a shadow.

My eyes begin to water from the sudden rush of air movement. We must’ve been going at least fifty miles an hour. I wipe my eyes with my bare arm, and look over to Peter and flash him a grin.

“God, I miss doing this.” I yell over to him.

“Yeah, only this time we’re facing a sudden danger.” He humors, but the joke doesn’t help the mood whatsoever.

Out of nowhere the Shadow suddenly stops, seeming puzzled. I almost fly right through it…or into it? I honestly don’t know if it’s solid or not.

“What is it, Shadow?” Peter asks, coming nearer to the silhouette.

“The person has reached land. Follow me.”

The Shadow changes its route, and heads towards the west end of the isle, to the same area I disembarked to when I reached Neverland almost a month and a half ago.

“Down there!” I yell, pointing to an individual the size of an ant down on the coast. We tear towards it, and land a couple hundred yards from the unknown intruder behind a large rock.

“Okay, Riley, you stay here. I’m going to go confront them.”

“Peter, I’m coming with you.”

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