CHAPTER #21- The Celebration

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Melody’s POV:

I sit by myself on a decaying log near the fire pit. The Lost Boys are in their ridiculous animal costumes, dancing to the tune of Pan’s pipe. He was sitting adjacent from me, Riley lightly resting her head on his shoulder with a warm smile plastered on her face.

A small snap of a twig comes from behind me, and I quickly whirl around to see Felix, his cloak hanging loosely on his shoulders. The luminous fire shines on only part of his face, making it look contorted. Felix loomed over me. He must have been at least six feet tall.

“Mind if I sit here?” He asks, slurring his words.

“No. Go ahead.” I pat a spot on the log beside me.

He slowly sits down and stares intently at the fire.  It must have been at least a couple minutes of silence before I awkwardly spoke up.

“Umm…can I help you?”

“Can you hear the pipe?” He asks bluntly, ignoring my first question completely.

“Yeah, why?”

“Only people who feel unloved and abandoned can hear it.”

My heart felt like it sunk to the ground. Like my past didn’t haunt me enough as it is already. I’m starting to get the impression Felix isn’t the gushy, emotional type that cares about other people’s feelings.

“Can you hear it?” I ask.


“What happened to you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Please? You can trust me.” I whine.

He sighs before speaking:

“My dad abused me. He killed my mom right in front of me when I was only nine. He even gave me a souvenir to remember it by.” Felix points to the nasty scar that ran down under his right eye.

“I’m so sorry.” I say, hanging my head down to look as empathetic as possible. I hated to hear anyone in pain, much like my sister.

“Don’t pity me. I don’t want to be looked down upon.”

“Sorry. I know exactly what you mean.”

“Why aren’t you dancing?” He asks, changing the depressing subject.

“Not much of a dancer.” I shrug.

“There’s always room to improve. Come on.” He stands up and holds out his hand to help me up.

I don’t take it. I can do things by myself. I’m what most people would call the ‘independent’ type.

He rolls his eyes and takes hold of one of my arms, dragging me towards the fire. Felix takes my other arm and moves them in weird directions, just cackling like a maniac.

Was this his way of dancing? I think to myself.

I suddenly get lost in the music, and things become a blur. All I remember is laughing, twirling, and an occasional fall. It was like I was drunk but without a single drop of alcohol in my veins.

When Pan stopped playing, the Lost Boys and I immediately stopped, catching our breaths. Everyone looked around dumbfounded, not knowing what to do next. How long were we dancing for?

“Melody! Felix! Riley and I were thinking about going for a late night walk, maybe even take a quick dip at the beach. You wanna come?” Pan asks, waving us over.

“Sure.” Felix states.

“Ya, why not.” I chime in. It wasn’t like I had anything better to do.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now