CHAPTER #4- New Skills

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Riley’s POV:

I wake up with the sun shining brightly in my eyes, blinding me. I squint, not yet used to the sudden light, and look around. Where am I? Oh, right, Neverland. With the infamous Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

“Rise and shine, little princess.” Peter says mockingly, sauntering over to where I was laying.

Oh my gosh, his British accent was so adorable!

“I’m up. And who are you calling little?”

“Well, you’re younger than me.”

Well no duh, you were alive before I was even born, I think to myself.

“I’m fourteen.”

“And I’m sixteen. Ha.” He replies teasingly.

“You mean, looks, right?”

“Well, ya, I guess so.”

I giggle at his response.


“Just that you said you’re sixteen. How old are you, anyways?”

“I lost count a long time ago. Maybe somewhere in the three hundreds? I honestly have no idea.”

“Oh, okay,” I reply, sounding as if it were no biggie, “So what’s for breakfast?”

“Some sort of hawk’s eggs.”


I walk over to the fire and a Lost Boy who looked maybe my age handed me a paper plate of scrambled eggs.

“Thank you.”

He just nods back to me, not saying a word. A look of pain and abandonment filled his eyes, almost as if it hovered above him like a cloud, weighing him down. Poor guy. I hated to see anyone in any kind of emotional or physical pain.

I eat the eggs quickly, not realizing how hungry I was until now. I hadn’t eaten since my last dinner in the Enchanted Forest, and I was famished.

“You almost ready?” Peter asks, sounding a little aggravated.

“Ya. Just got to pouf up some new clothes and I’ll be done.” I replied, not having any better word choice.

Pouf, really? I think to myself, You sound like a little six year old.

“Okay. Go and ‘pouf’ your clothes then.” He says, smirking.

I walk up beside him and give him a playful push after ‘poufing’, I guess, a t-shirt and pair of dark wash skinny jeans with holes on the thighs. With my combat boots, of course. He smirks and gives one back, almost knocking me down, not realizing his own strength. We start walking into the woods, the lost boys joining behind us.


Peter’s POV:

As we walk into the dark foliage, we all believe we have spears or bows in our arms. I chose a spear, and look over to see that Riley has chosen a bow and arrow.

“Snow White taught me to use a bow and arrow when I was little. I’m a little rusty, and have never used it on animals before. Actually, I’ve never killed a large animal before in my life.”

“Well, that’s okay. I guess there’s a first time for everything.” I reply reassuringly.

She grins at me, blushing at my words.

We go to a small clearing enclosed by trees. There are targets aligned in a row. Each of the lost boys goes to their targets to practice. I go over to Riley and bring her to one.

"Here, stand like this."

I put my feet in the correct position for shooting and watch as Riley mirrors me.

"Now, but an arrow in your bow."

She does. I go over to her and press my body against hers. I put my hands over hers, guiding her position. All of this was so cliché, but hey, whatever works, right?

"There you go! Now, aim a bit above the target, and let go."

She does and it lands in the dead center.

"Whoa! How'd you do that so fast?" I inquired. No one, not even me, has been able to do that on his or her first attempt.

"I told you I was a fast learner." She smirks and glances at me.

After practicing for about an hour, we head back into the forestry, scattering about for a better chance at sneaking up on an animal. I decide to go with Riley.

Every once in a while one of the boys randomly hits an animal and goes to get it. Riley manages to kill a squirrel. She seems very strong and spirited. I like that.

While heading back to camp, I stride over to where she was.

“So, how’s Neverland so far? Everything you imagined?”

“Oh, it’s better than I imagined!”

Riley’s practically glowing with happiness. I grin back at her. Her smile was so flawless, like herself. She was perfect.


The sun was beginning to set once we reached the campsite. It was a picture-perfect view, almost as if it should be on a crappy calendar and not in front of our eyes. The sun is a large, semicircle floating over the sea, blazing a bright crimson color. It cast a brilliant display of lively yellows and deep oranges to cherry reds upon the scenery.

The Lost Boys, Riley, and I heave all of our animals in a pile, not taking our eyes off the glorious view. I cast a preservation spell on them so they don’t decay.

“What was that?” Riley asks, wide-eyed and looking stunned at the magic I had just performed.

“Just a preservation spell. We can’t eat all of this meat in one filling.” I reply matter-of-factly.

“Whoa. That’s so cool! I’ve only witnessed Rumple and the Evil Queen do that before. The Savior, Emma, would do it a bit too, but not that frequently. Could you teach me?”

“Maybe one day.” I say and smirk, raising one eyebrow.

She looks so thrilled at my answer, and again that look of adventure floods her hazel eyes.

I could get used to having her around.

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