CHAPTER #12- Where am I?

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Riley’s POV:

I must’ve fallen asleep because I arouse in the basement tank of the fishing boat. The water had to have been just above freezing. Goose bumps ran all up and down my arms, making my arm hairs stick up from the bitter cold that surrounded me like a warm, fuzzy blanket. Except, it was more like a freezing death wrap. Exactly like a freezing death wrap.

I go to the surface for air. Even mermaids must breathe oxygen every once in a while.

I am famished. Apparently the sailors think that I eat fish, but that’s not true. Even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to find any because it is so pitch black in here.

Where’s Peter? I’m beginning to think it will be a while until he finds me.


Peter’s POV:

I fly back to the camp. Once there, I gather all of the Lost Boys together in a large semi circle around me.

“Alright, boys. Riley’s gone missing. Something came into Neverland and took her. Whatever it was, it brought her to the realm where Storybrooke was.”

All of the boys had faces of sorrowfulness and resentment. Most of them had come from there.

“I will try to locate her, but in the mean time I need you to train. We don’t know if more will come so we need to be prepared. Felix,” I yell.

A tall, skinny boy with shaggy, dirty blonde hair steps forward. He has a single, noticeable scar going through his right eye. Felix is the head Lost Boy, and is very loyal. I could trust him with anything.

“You’re in charge. Make sure everyone is in his best shape in offensive and defensive combat. Improve their archery, spear throwing, and trap making. You know what to do.”

Felix gives a solemn nod.

“Obey Felix’s commands,” I say to the Lost Boys, “I will be looking for the ingredients for a spell to locate Riley. We will not rest until she is found.”

All of the Lost Boys whooped and hollered. They had grown much more fond of Riley and some even considered her a sister. Felix led them into the forest, torches blazing above them, casting the shadows of the night upon their grimy faces. I hike in soon after them.


Riley’s POV:

The latch above the tank suddenly bursts open. It’s the Captain.

“Hello, you ready?”

I just give him an evil glare.

“I have a name, you know.”

He disregards me.

“We’re going to transport you to a smaller tank so that we can bring you to the Lab. Oh, this will be fun.” He says, rubbing his hands together greedily.

I don’t like the way he acts.

I am soon carried out of the tank and into a smaller one on a rolling cart.

What a wonderful escort to my doom, I think to myself.

The two fishermen roll me into a large truck. They close the door and lock it with a ‘click’ and I’m enclosed by darkness again.

Great. Honestly, I hate the dark. I always feel that at any moment, something could come out and get me. In this case, that was possibly true.

I hear the two truck doors slam shut in front of me, soon followed by the roar of the engine starting, and the truck begins to move. I know by each inch I get closer to whatever ‘The Lab’ is, I’m getting closer and closer to my fate.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now