CHAPTER #9- The Shadow's Warning

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Riley’s POV:

I woke up to a bright cerulean sky and seagulls crying their song of the morning. Light, puffy clouds looked like cotton candy floating in the sky, moving lazily in their course. Waves crash against the shore, tranquilizing me. How long had I been sleeping? I look over to the campfire and see Peter and the Lost Boys eating breakfast. I saunter over, unsnarling my head with my fingers.

“Peter, what time is it? Why didn’t you wake me?” I inquire, groggy from sleep.

I sit down next to him and yawn, stretching my arms upward and squinting hard.

“Sorry, love. I wanted you to sleep in because you haven’t had a lot of rest lately. It’s almost noon.” Pan replies sweetly.


Pan hands me some eggs that must’ve come from some large bird.


I eat quickly, practically stuffing the eggs in my mouth. I didn’t realize how starved I was.

Just as I was beginning to get comfortable, a jet black, semitransparent figure emerges in the distance form out of nowhere. I squint to get a better look, and observe that it had luminous, piercing eyes and what looked to be in the shape of a…man? Even worse, it was coming close, and fast.

“P-Peter…w-what’s t-t-that?” I asked, my voice stuttering at every word.


Peter’s POV:

Riley sounded alarmed. I quickly turn around to see my shadow approaching our camp.

“It’s just my Shadow, love. Don’t be frightened.”

I hold her hand and give her a reassuring smile. She calms down a bit, but still looks uncomfortable and alert.

“What? This better be important.” I harshly whisper to my Shadow, irritated that he had scared Riley.

“Sir, some unknown object has entered Neverland.”

“Don’t worry about it. Probably just a shark or something.”

“But sir, it’s-“

“Shadow, you’re dismissed.” I reply before he can finish.

My shadow leaves, soaring away to who knows where.

“Pan, who came into Neverland?” Riley’s voice trembles with fear. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

“I don’t know love, don’t worry about it.”

She nods, but the troubled look doesn’t leave her face.

“Hey, you want to go swimming later today?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

“Yeah!” She says, instantly perking up, “I could use the shell bracelet and you can use a spell or something. It’ll be fun!”

“Sounds great, love. I know exactly where to go. I think you’ll like it.”

Perfect! Finally, we can have that second date we’ve been talking about. I just hope whatever came into Neverland isn’t looking for Riley.

They will never harm her.

Not while I’m alive.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now