CHAPTER #11- The Fishing Boat

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Peter’s POV:

I’m really beginning to worry.

Whatever entered Neverland has taken Riley. I’ve got to get her back, I contemplate to myself.

I decide to swim back to shore. The entire way, my mind keeps racing with the images of Riley in pain, calling for me when I’m not able ot do anything to help her.

The water depth keeps getting shallower and shallower until I can finally stand, I wade through the salty ocean until the cold air wraps around my legs like a cooling blanket. I shiver.

“Shadow, I summon thee!” I scream into the air.

The black specter swoops down in from of me, his beaming eyes seem to stare deep into my soul.

 “What is it Pan?”

“Find Riley. Whatever came into Neverland has her. Do whatever it takes, and I mean anything, to get her back. If I loose her I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Search all over for her. Do you know what realm this object came from?”

“The same place where Storybrooke was, sir. The Main World.”

“Go there and search everywhere and bring her back to the camp on the beach. I will use magic to try and locate her. Once I find her, I will summon you back here and go look for her myself. I’m going to go back to the camp and prepare the lost boys in case we need to fight.”

And with that, my Shadow nods and soars away to find my love.


Riley’s POV:

As they reel me in, I begin to panic.

Where’s Peter? I wonder, Why hasn’t he come for me yet?

The net drops me hard onto the cool, steel surface of a medium-sized fishing boat. The fishermen stare at me with trepidation and bewilderment in their eyes. Definitely not from the Enchanted Forest or Neverland, judging from the uncanny way they’re looking at my tail. I wonder if they came form the world where Storybrooke was? I have heard that place has no magic whatsoever.

“What is that?” said one of the fishermen.

I did not enjoy being called a ‘that’.

“It looks part fish or something!” The second exclaims.

“But mermaids aren’t real. Are they? I thought they were just a myth.”

“They must thrive here. In this new land the king found.”

“But we were sent here for Dreamshade.”

Dreamshade? I think I heard Peter tell me about that. And about how it was poisonous. Not to mention fatal by the touch.

“Um, excuse me,” I interrupt, “But can you please free me from this net?”

They exchange wide-eyed glances.

“Y-you can talk?”

“Well, duh. What am I doing right now?” I reply, “So are you going to release me or not? This is a little uncomfortable.”

My tail began doing uncontrollable mini spasms, making loud ‘thud’ noises with every jerk. Mermaids weren’t supposed to be out of water this long. The two fishermen exchange unknowing glances. Then they both look at me at the same time as if on a timer with mischievous looks on their faces.

“Oh, no. I think we’ll forget about the so-called ‘Dreamshade’. Probably just an old tall tale anyways. Instead, I think we’ll bring a mermaid.”

“How much do you think the scientists will buy her for?”

Okay, no one’s purchasing me.

“At least ten million! Maybe even a billion!”

“I can see it now, ‘Adventurous Sailors Find the First Ever Mermaid’. I like the sound of that.”

“Not only will we make money for selling her, everyone’s going to want to interview us. We’ll be famous!”

Selling me? Oh no, I will not be someone’s science experiment.

I struggle again to take off the bangle, but it’s as if it’s super glued to my wrist.

All of a sudden, a tall, Caucasian man with long, curly bleach blonde hair walks over. The man wears some sort of fancy sailor attire, navy in color with gold buttons. His face is full of weathered scars, and his piercing blue eyes send chills down my spine. He must be the captain of this God forsaken ship.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” he says, his ominous voice sending chills down my spine.

“We believe it’s a mermaid, sir.” One of the fishermen states.

“What shall we do with her?” the other queries.

“Put her in the basement tank. We’re going back to England and selling her. We’ll be rich!”

With that the two fishermen chortle and pick me up.

“Where am I going?” I asked.

“Down to the basement tank. It’s quite big, and I’m sure there are some small fish in there you can eat if you get hungry. Plus, it’s full of saltwater, just the way you like it.”

Was this his idea of being sincere?

“But I don’t-“


They open a latch on the ground and throw me out of my net. I land in frigid, 4 feet deep water with about a foot of air above me so I can breathe if need be.

“We’ll be in England in about a day. Better get your rest.”

He shuts the latch and it’s pitch black.

The Princess and the Bloody Demon {Peter Pan/OUAT} [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin