Chapter 6.5

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"That's all that matters... That's all.."

Nagisa's POV

A white-clad guardian and a transfer student who's impossible to read. We're in for some extra stormy weather.

"Hey, Itona-kun, something's been bugging me... You came in from outside, right? Empty-handed? It's raining buckets out there, yet there's not a drop of rain on you." Karma pointed out and that's when we noticed it. Itona's dry, not even a single bead of water on any part his face. How did he manage to do that?

Itona stood up as he heard this and he declared, "You might be the strongest on this class..." to Karma but...

He turned to (Y/N) and said," And you... You have the talent to become one of the powerful but you chose not to..."

(Y/N)'s face was still the same cold expression however there's a glint of amusement and shock in her eyes. As if he have seen through her soul, caught her but she still stands, fighting back the urge to submit to him. She still kept her bored and cold expression on him.

A pang of pain pricked at me like a needle as I looked over them. They seemed to have their little own world as they stared at each other. And to me, it's just like the longest 3 seconds of my life... Wait, what am I saying?!

"But don't fret... You're weaker than me, so I won't kill you..." Then, Itona-kun turned to Koro-sensei. "I only want to kill those who could be stronger than me. And in this classroom, Koro-sensei, that's you" He pointed at Koro-sensei who was eating a chocolate bar.

"Who's strong and who's weak? That's how you pick fights, Itona-kun? If it's a trial of strength, you and I aren't even in the same dimension." Koro-sensei declared at Itona.

"Sure, we are. After all, we're brothers by blood."

B-brothers?! How is that possible??

(Y/N)'s POV

"Sure, we are. After all, we're brothers by blood."

Brothers? There's no way they could be brothers! They aren't even the same, an octopus and a human. But if it's true, I wonder how their parents would look like.

I giggled silently, imagining if they're really brothers. Their parents has the same powers like the Mach 20. Omygash, that means----- *censored* Hentai (Y/N) is now functioning...

I really laughed out loud, not knowing the class including Itona-kun, Koro-sensei and Shiro are looking at me. After I laughed for good 3 minutes, I would have still laughed about it but decided not to. I really need to stop laughing at serious moments.

"There's no way you two could be brothers. Besides, Koro-sensei just showed up a few months ago and you, Itona-kun, how old are you? 14, 15, 16? If you two were brothers, Koro-sensei must have known and remembered it. Unless..."

The attention was now on me. But I still continued...

"It involves something with experimentation..." I smirked at the two visitors. However, I still couldn't read their expression due to one, Shiro's face covered in white cloth and two, Itona-kun doesn't seem to care and he still has this if-you're-powerful-than-me-I-will-kill-you vibe.

Murmurs could be heard but they were once again silenced. However, I was ignored by the two and continued to talk to Koro-sensei.

Tch. Wow, thanks for appreciating my theory.

I sat back and some students still stared at me like I was Sherlock Holmes or something. What? I just stated the obvious. Hmp.

"The loser dies, onii-san. Siblings have no need for cheap tricks. I will kill you and prove my strength." Itona-kun said.

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