Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

After being called to the principal's office, murmurs and whispers are the only what I heard but I didn't care. After all, I was called 'Ice Princess'.

'I heard that she broke a school rule that's why she's going down to that Class.'

'First I thought she was a smart one because she was once in Class A but she went down and down.'

'She's also been slacking off this month, sleeping through classes.'

'I think that she's been cutting classes.'

'Such a waste, she was one of the top students but she's always absent.'

'Maybe she's just meeting of her 'secret boyfriend' when she's absent.'

'Not-so-Ice now, aren't we? She'll be begging for sure.'

Tch. What a load of bullshit and backstabbing btches.

I just held my head high and headed through the principal's office. Cold and emotionless expression masked my face.

You don't need any friends, you only need yourself. In this cruel world, no one will ever help when you're in distress. No knight-in-shining-armor shits and I ain't a damsel or princess, I am capable of doing everything myself.

Giggles could be heard. They didn't know anything and they will never understand.

[Outside the principal's office]

I knocked and waited for a permission. A soft "Come in." was heard and I let myself in.

So this is what the famous principal's office looks like. No wonder it's terrifying and also, cold like me. Heh.

The principal, or should I say Mr. Asano Gakuho, was seated and the back of his chair facing me. Slowly, he turned to me and stood up.

"Ms. (L/N) I would like to discuss things with you involving your academics. You seem to be getting lower and lower grades every month, and you were the most absent student. You have such talent and intelligence and yet, wasted. May I ask the reason why you are absent?" Mr. Gakuho asked as he walked beside his table.

"No problem at all, sir. I just don't like to come to school. Besides, I have personal matters to arrange and pardon my language but I don't give a damn if you put me on E Class. What did they even do to you? Insulting them and damn whatnots, sir." I retorted bluntly, face still cold and emotionless.

He smirked and his eyes, those amethyst eyes, they're horrifying. Chills run through my spine like they're crawling through my whole body, he's even colder than me.

"I suggest that you know your place Ms. (L/N). After all, you are going to be part of them. You are dismissed." He darkly chuckled and stared at me as if he's the devil himself and he'll take my soul.

I glared even though I felt terrified. Nonetheless, I bowed and walked away from that hell. I still feel the cold stare he gave me. I sighed, letting the emotions I felt earlier.

I shouldn't be scared, I am the Ice Princess for pete's sake.

I put again my famous mask, the cold and emotionless and headed home.

Tomorrow's gonna changed, huh.

Iced Heart of A Princess  ||Assassination Classroom X Reader||Where stories live. Discover now