Chapter 3

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Karma's POV

I heard there's going to be a new student but I didn't knew she was gonna be this bad~

As soon as she opened that door and threw that knife and launched the bullets, I knew she'll going to make it a one hell of a year. But still, those (E/C) eyes hard and cold as ice, she seemed unfazed as we, I mean- they are still shocked and amazed on how the events have turned too fast.

"Ehh~ She defeated my approach on Koro-sensei." I said loud enough that the class could hear it.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Ehh~ She defeated my approach on Koro-sensei." said a boy with bloodred hair and bittersweet eyes.

Although there's a smile in his face, I couldn't help but notice that there's mischieveousness aura in him.

I just ignored him and Koro-sensei told me to sit beside this 'Karma' which happens to be him. However, I said, "Koro-sensei, could I switch place with the Autonomous Intelligince Fixed Artillery? I would like to sit near the window. If that's alright with you, Ritsu?"

Again, they were shocked and Ritsu being confused on how I knew that. Their eyes are funny like they would pop right out. Sigh, it's gonna be my fault if one of them had died from a heart attack.

"Karasuma-sensei told me so no need to be surprised." I explained, still no emotion.

After I said that they seem to calm down. Seriously? Why are they surprised?

"Hai, it's alright with me, (L/N)-san." said Ritsu.

"Nyurufufufu~ It's been decided. Can someone please move Ritsu?" Koro-sensei said.

After they moved her, I went to my seat and plopped down. The class seem to gaze at me and I just stared at them. Some looked away to look at Koro-sensei but some still stared at me. Do I have something on my face?

Koro-sensei called their attention and lessons have been started.

Timeskip to Lunchtime~

As soon as the ring bells, signalling it's lunch time. I opened the window and went out through it. I didn't want to be questioned and be close with them. Besides, it's lunchtime, food always comes first.

No One's / Third POV

Before they even reached her, she already left.

'Maybe she's still shy, wait why would she be shy? After all, she looked at us coldly like a robot AND Ritsu is a robot but she shows emotions. How come someone can be like that? This girl has some issues...'

'That's why she's called Ice Princess, ne?~'

'She doesn't even want to talk to us, let alone be friends with.'

'Nyurufufufu~ Awww (Y/N)-san already left, and some students are sad. I bet they're going to ask her on how she did that~'

'Hm, So what if she left? I'll just going to ask her when she comes back.'

'Sigh, another Karma except a girl version, huh'

'Maybe she doesn't want to be the center of attention that's why she quickly left. Poor (Y/N)-san'

'I'm just gonna eat chicken nuggets'

Timeskip to dismissal

As soon as the bell rang,(Y/N) did it again, leaving before her classmates could even say 'cake' -I mean "Hello".

Heading home, she thought on what will be dinner tonight.

Shabu-shabu* will be the best tonight.

The girl re-routes and heads to the grocery store to get the ingredients needed. After buying enough good for three people, she decided to buy some dessert for tonight. 'A simple (F/F) cake will do' she thought.

(Y/N)'s POV

After buying everything I need, I looked at the time. 18:57.

They must be hungry by now.

I rushed back home, well more like sprint. After a few couple of minutes, I rang the doorbell and came in.

"Tadaima~" I said happily, no masked worn on. Just pure happiness.

"ONEE-CHAN!!" said the two children.

*Shabu-shabu is a one-pot dish cooked at the table, where everybody eats from the pot. Thin slices of meat are dipped into the boiling broth, taken out quickly, then dipped into a ponzu soy sauce or sesame sauce. Tofu and other vegetables are simmered in the pot for a longer time and dipped into one of the sauces when done.

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