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I was guessing their surprise but I was sure when he opened my eyes and I saw a bunch of fans.

They all shouted " Welcome back Vera!"

Me: Omg guys than you!

I felt like crying but tears of joy this time.

I looked at everyone around me. Jing, Marcus, Martinus, the fans.

Jing gave me a leni face and I laughed.

It was all like: "Martinus idea" face.

I gave him a look and hugged him.

Then I moved to the fans. I tried hugging every one there. The others did as well.

Then the boys went to the stage to sing their new song.

It was my first time hearing it. But I loved it. So heartouching.

After that Martinus grabbed my wheel chair and moved me backstage really fast.

He whispered extremely close to my ear:

Martinsu: Now we have another surprise. You had an idol before us. She is here.


I saw my queen stepping closer to me!


Marcus: Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, the one and only Ariana Grande!

Martinus and Jinger faked clapped!

Jinger: Marcus should I be jealous? You once said Selena and Ariana are your celeb crushes!
Marcus: That was before meeting you!

He said that and kissed her for head. Awwwe

Ariana : Is this you Veronica?
Me: yep Veronica Arinator since being 6 you once answered me on snap.
Ariana : don't tell me you were that girl singing?
Me: yes I was you remember?!
Ariana : Ofc I do it was so cute to hear you singing my songs!
Me: I love you so much!
Ariana: I do too!
Me: How did these goofs make you come here?
Ariana: I was in Norway for some concerts and well everyone here is talkingí about Marcus, Martinus Jinger and Veronica. When Martinus and Jinger woke up, I met them again. They had my phone number. That's how they told me to come. Martinus is really good hearted like your other friends. Never lose them from your life.

She said that and we all awed. I hugged her and we started talking for a bit. We took pictures and exchanged numbers.

I felt so beatiful! My friends know how to make someone feel loved.

I thanked them a thousand times for everything.

We were about to get in the car when I spotted two men with black sunglasses and suits. They look extremely suspicious. I felt like they were watching us.

Me: get in the car faster please.
Jinger: what's wrong?
Me :just shut and do it!

I saw that th one man was reaching something in his pocket. I freaked out.

Me: faster!
Martinus : what's wrong vera?
Me: just do what I tell u.

We all got in the car and started moving. I noticed the men were gone.

Martinus : maybe explain what this was about?
Me: *explains*! I was scared ok?
Martinus : ha! And what do u think they were? Secret spys?
Me: I got freaked out don't blame me!
Martinus: it's. Ok. Princez.

He said the last word whispering into my ear really quite.

WTH Martinus since when do you act so hot?

Martinus jiggled.

Oh yeah I said that loud

Me: well I think I didn't just say that

And I jiggled as well.

Me: seriously now what was these men doing here?
Martinus : vera i never saw them. Maybe it's just u n ur amazing mind?

WTH I feel like he changed i mean.... Cant u see it? He acts differently.

Maybe that's how a really long relationship works or something? Idk....

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