The Sleeping Beauty Is Awake

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After some days

I was there, sitting with Vera, doing my homework and listening to "beliver".

Yeah in 2018 almost 2019 I'm listening to this shit. I love it too much.

Hey I was just a little disabled for 1,5 years.

I forgot to mention that it's almost Christmas.

I need to have Vera waken up for Christmas... Or else I'll spend it here.

I'm 16 years old and I'm getting 17 at February.

Vera will get 16 at February 2nd. She was born at 2/2/03...i wish she could be born at 02. It would be funny.

I'm really sick of all this homework. We all lost school so we have to read a lot to be at the ideal level after the holidays. We will continue then.

After thinking this.. I put the headphones on Vera.

The thing that happened after that...

After some seconds I noticed her lip syncing and then... Slightly whisper Ling the lyric.

I felt my eyes getting x10 wider. I felt so happy but panicked too because I was afraid that she'll be shocked.

Then she smiled. I was frozen cause I thought I was having illusions. She put her arm around my neck and tried to pull me into a hug but I was frozen.

I then realized that she gasped because she didn't have the power to do this.

I was there looking like an idiot until I found the strength and hugged her back. I swear I thought I was dreaming.

Next to her bed there was a button to press in emergency and I pressed it to warn the doctors.

She was now opening her eyes. Her eyes.. I almost forgot her.

I wasn't sure idled it was reality because I have been warned that I'll daydream a lot if I'll stay here a long time.

But this was reality. I couldn't help but smile. A tear of happiness bringed another.

I understood that some people entered the room but kept some distance because she can easily get scared.

I spended some more time hugging her and smiling and then looked at her. She was looking happy but confused.

Please don't tell me it's what I think of.

Me: Vera? Is everything OK? Are you feeling OK? Close Ur eyes for yes and double close for no.

Then she double closed them.

Me: Do you have a stomach ache?

I saw her hand nodding kinda.

Me: Headache?
Vera:( yes)
Me: does it hurt a lot?
Vera: (yes)

I turned my head to the doctors and moves away from her. She was giving me puppy eyes but still with confusion drawn on her face.

Me:remember to check her temperature and blood pressure! Oh and she has asthma!

The doctors gave me the shut-up-im-the-doctor-I-Know-What-im-doing look and I just closed my mouth.

I was giving Vera an encouraging look since I wasn't able to go next to her.

I was so happy that I got her back.

Then I asked a question which came out of nowhere :

Me: Do you know who I am?!

I saw her eyes focusing hard on me. Then they became 3 times bigger. She opened them really wide and yelled with her weak voice :

Vera: Martinus!

She raised her hand trying to reach me but I wasn't allowed to go closer.

The doctors looked at eschew other and then me :

Doc: You are free to talk to her but she needs to take care of her voice.

I literally just used one step to go next to her and hold her hands.

Me: I missed you so much!
Vera: what is happening?!

She said this and I saw her starting crying.

Me: We had a bad adventure but now it's fine and we are together!
Vera : how long am I like this?!
Me: I don't trust you! You will panic!
Me: it's been.. Almost two years.

She cried even harder and I just put her head on my chest. Then I layed her down on the bed to hug her even more tight.

I felt her hugging me with all of her power left.

I just let her cry so she can calm down after it.

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