Rescued - Longer chapter

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Nothing to say except enjoy the story! ^~^
Edit from the future: Sorry this is cringe, my writing gets better in later chapters... I think.

~~Y/N's POV~

I wake up in a dark place. Where am I? I think to myself. I try grabbing for my pocket knife tucked in my stockings. I was restrained by some chains. I hear footsteps... I act asleep as the person opens the door.

"The girl is still asleep, Boss." A male voice says. (No, not Claude)

"Wake her up." Another male voice says. This voice was deeper.

I hear footsteps getting closer to me. I feel the man put his hand close to my face as I brace for the pain. He slapped me. It didn't hurt a lot, but it still hurt.

"Ow! What was that for?!" I say.

"You're awake. Finally." The boss says.

"Why am I here?" I ask. I'm shaking by this point.

"Because. You are going to become my slave. If you do one thing wrong, you'll face death. Got it? Good, now follow me." The boss says while unlocking the key.

Aqua, can you hear me? I say in my mind.

No response.

Aqua?! Aqua are you there! I need you! I say a bit louder.

Y.../N... Wh.... re are y....? Ci..... Is.....Ry..... Worri.... Aqua is cutting out. She must be a little far. (The sentences are: Y/N where are you? Ciel is very worried!)

Dungeon. Or something. I don't really know... Aqua, help me I'm scared. I don't want to die. I say with tears threatening to come out.

"Come peasant, your first job is to get your friends. If you don't... All of you will die." The boss says.

"I'll do anything! Just don't hurt Aqua and Ciel!" I say without ears starting to stream down my face. He slaps me.

"No crying peasant! Now, get your friends. Or else you'll all die."

"F-Fine... J-J-Just don't hurt them!" I say between sniffles. I run off.

~~Ciel's POV~~

Before we split up, we agreed to meet at the entrance of the hotel. Aqua meets us here but Y/N doesn't.

"Aqua, where's Y/N?" I ask.

"Probably still investigating. Just wait a few minutes." Aqua replies. She seems very calm.

"Alright, but if he doesn't show up soon, we'll look for her." I say. A few minutes pass and I'm very worried by this point. What if she's hurt... Or worse? Why did we leave her alone?! She can't die!

Worrying about Y/N a lot I see, Young Master. Sebastian says.

Stop invading my thoughts, Sebastian! I say frustrated.

Yes, my Lord.

"We should look for Y/N. She still haven't arrived."

"Okay, we'll search. When we are done with the search, meet here."

"Sounds good."

With that, we look for Y/N. After looking and looking, we still couldn't find her. Sebastian and I go to the entrance. Aqua was already there. She looked worried.

"She doesn't know where she is. She's scared..." Aqua says with tears in her eyes. "Why did we let her go on her own?"

"How do you know?" I ask Aqua curiously.

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