Street Meeting

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~Aqua's POV~ (Your sister just in case you didn't read the first part!)

Y/N and I were walking down the street looking for a Café to eat at. As we are walking, I hear a slight thud. I look to my right to see Y/N and a young boy who was dressed pretty fancy on the ground with a man who looks like his butler standing next to him.

The butler had Raven black hair and blood red eyes. The boy had a navy blue hair and a blue eye. The other eye was covered with an eyepatch. I could tell, the butler wasn't human. He looked at Y/N and I like he knew we weren't human either. I look over at Y/N who was looking a little frustrated.

"Watch where you're going!" The boy scoffed. I look at her giving her that, 'Don't do it' look. She nods slightly.

"Sorry, Sir. I wasn't look where I was going." Y/N gets up and puts her hand out for the young boy to grab. He ended up having his butler help him instead.

"Rude..." I hear Y/N say under her breath.

"Sorry we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Aqua and this is my sister, Y/N. We're terribly sorry for running into you." I say as politely as possible. To be honest, I was a little frustrated too. The boy didn't even say sorry, he didn't accept Y/N's helping hand, either.

"I'm Ciel Phantomhive. The head of the Phantomhive estate and the founder of the Funtom company." Ciel says. I knew he was a noble! Especially from the fancy clothing.

"Young master, we should go now if we want to get to the restaurant on time. Please excuse us ladies. We must go. Have a nice night." The butler bows and walks off with Ciel. The butler glanced back. I swear I saw his eyes glow a bit. I must've been seeing things.

"C'mon Aqua! Let's go to the Café!" Y/N says annoyingly. I sigh and nod. We headed off to the Café my sister was talking about.

I wonder if she noticed the butler wasn't human. He smelled like a demon, but that might have been Y/N. I'll ask her later.


As Aqua and I were walking down to the Café, Aqua seemed distracted. Maybe she was thinking Ciel and that demon that looked like a butler. From the looks of it, Ciel and his butler were contracted. One of Ciel's eyes was covered with an eyepatch while the butler's hands were gloved. Plus, he was a demon. But that's just a guess. I snapped out of my thoughts and decided to ask Aqua what was she thinking about.

"Blue, what's on your mind? You seemed distracted." I ask Aqua. Blue is her nickname. I also call her Aqua~Chan sometimes.

"I thought you would never ask. I was wondering, did you realize the butler wasn't human? If so, was he a demon? I couldn't tell if the demon scent was coming off of you or not." Aqua replies.

"I did notice that the butler wasn't human. And yes, he was a demon. I could smell it. He seemed contracted to Ciel. Ciel's contract could've been under his eyepatch while the butler's symbol was on his hand. They were both blocked off areas. But thats just a guess."

"I never thought of that. Good point though." Aqua says. After a few more minutes of walking, Aqua point out the Café. We decided to eat there and then head off to find a hotel or somewhere to stay for the night. It's been hard without mom and dad... No place to stay and no place to call home. At least I have Aqua. I'm never letting go of her.

Le time skip brought to you by magic!
~The next day~

~Ciel's POV~

I wake up to Sebastian opening the curtains. He hands me my tray of tea and helps me get dressed. I can't stop thinking about the girl I bumped into. Her H/L H/C was beautiful. Not to mention her sparkling e/c eyes. I was snapped out of my thoughts from Sebastian speaking.

"My Lord, the girls we ran into yesterday were quite interesting. One had aqua colored hair and the other had h/c hair. Quite interesting. I was surprised to hear they were sisters." Sebastian says plainly. "Not to mention they weren't human. The aqua haired girl was a Grim Reaper like Grell, while the other girl was a demon. They seemed to notice I was a demon too by the way they looked at me."

I look at Sebastian in shock of what I just heard. What if the girl I bumped into tried to eat my soul? What would I do? Sebastian seemed to be reading my thoughts. He looked at me and smirked.

"My my Young Master, you seem to be thinking quite a lot about the h/c girl." He says in a teasing tone.

"S-Shut up Sebastian!" I say a little flustered. I can tell this will be an interesting week. (S-Shut up Sebby! B-Baka! Jk jk)


Okay everyone! This was my first chapter of the story(Not counting the introduction,) so I hoped you enjoyed! It might be a little cringey, but it's my first story. Hope you liked the chapter! Cya guys next time! Buh~Bye! <3

Falling for a noble  (Ciel x Demon! Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant