{Chapter 27}

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Moral: "There's no fun in a perfect life. So make a risk, take a chance, go where the wind takes you. Have fun. It makes life worth living" ~Jenny C.

The majority of the Eclipse Ray Pack's teenage werewolves were having breakfast together. "Fucking chew a lil louder, will ya Sammy? Australia didn't hear clearly." Lyric hissed abruptly to Samuel.

It was quite comical how he innocently stopped in mid-chew and looked to Lyric with wide and confused eyes. He swallowed and jeered sarcastically, "Well good morning sunshine! Tell your big brother who pissed in your cheerios."

Lyric gave him an irritated scowl and rubbed her temples with both her thumbs. Samuel began again, "C'mon, not my fault Chase has a tiny-" "Shut it," Chase turned around glaring before turning all his attention to his Mate, "headache?" She nodded and sank in the chair, closing her eyes tightly and letting out a soft sigh.

Samuel propped himself on his cheek and spoke in a dreamy manner, "Ah, young love." "I'm already visualizing ductape over your mouth," Lyric threatened. With extremely intensified hearing, headaches were absolutely horrible to wolves. Lyric could hear each time Samuel opened and closed his mouth to chew! Needless to say, it made her aggravated.

"Damn Lyric. I could store groceries in these bags," Samuel gestured to the dark circles under Lyric's eyes. She hid her eyes and groaned again. "How long has it been since you slept a full night?" Samuel asked, suddenly serious. "Um, a four days ago?" she questioned herself groggily. "What?!" Chase exclaimed, "Why?!" "I chose death by fatigue," Lyric snapped, laying her head on Samuel's shoulder. She let out a small yawn but muffled it with her hands.

"Nightmares," Samuel mouthed to Chase. "Night terrors," Lyric corrected absent-mindedly. "There's no difference," Samuel stated to her. A ghost of a smirk formed on her lips, "If only you knew." He gave her a strange look. 

She rolled her eyes and continued, "A night terror is a sleep disruption that seems similar to a nightmare... but with a far more dramatic presentation... They're formed by tragic experiences or disorders," Lyric missed the shared look of worry between the two boys.

Chase entangled their fingers and smiled softly at her. He deeply inhaled before blurting out a suggestion that would possibly earn him a beat down, "Why don't you sleep in my room until they stop?" Lyric's eyes glowed silver as her eyes slowly connected with his. "I agree. You lovebirds," Samuel began, "need to release your sexual frustration because- OW!" Samuel held onto Lyric's wrist that was twisting his right ear.

"I'm not having sex with you, Chase," Lyric whispered aggravated, letting go of Samuel's ear that was now a bright red. He held onto it and ducked his head onto the table, figuring that if he teased her, she'd tear him apart. Chase choked and began stuttering with wide eyes, "I-I didn't mean THAT."

"Sure," Lyric drawled, completely unconvinced. Being as brave as a lion, Samuel poked Chase, "You don't want to fuck your Mate?" "Yes," Chase answered quickly, without much thought. If Lyric was in a cartoon, her entire head would be engulfed in flames due to her annoyance. "But that's moving way too fast and it's only when she wants," Chase gave Lyric a caring look to which she scoffed.

Lyric was touched at his concern for when she was ready but as usual, she was awkward when it came to expressing her gratitude. As you, dear reader, know, Lyric is not the type to smother someone in hugs and kisses. "Great so it's settled," Samuel smiled devilishly, rubbing his hands together, "Go help her pack up, Chase."

"I'm staying in my room. Thank you very much but I'm perfectly contented there. I'd rather go back to the wet forest floor than in Chase's bedroom," Lyric firmly said. "Will you say that in the next month?" Samuel shot back teasingly. Chase shoved Samuel, handing him the wares, "Go put these." Samuel complied because he knew the couple would need some time alone to make a decision.

Chase rose and took Lyric's hand, guiding her to the empty nearby living room,"I don't want to sleep with you," Lyric defensively whispered once they were alone. Her jaw was set hard and her eyes held accusation. She ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm not going to fuck you before I accept you," Chase whisper-shouted, "It's just until your nightmares decide to stop, Nightshade. I'll even take the floor. Your Mate's presence will comfort you." Lyric sighed, "Alright. But my belongings stay in my room." She had absolutely no clue as to why she agreed. Chase gently lifted Lyric's hand and planted a soft kiss on the back of her palm and she let him.

"Lyric," Luna Evelyn's soothing voice called. Lyric ripped her hand out of Chase's grasp, embarrassed. Chase began blushing uncontrollably. "Lyric," Luna Evelyn repeated once more. "Oh, I'm right here," Lyric replied. As she rounded the corner, she met with the pair - Lyric with her ruffled thick hair and Chase with his red cheeks. "Did I interrupt something?" Luna Evelyn questioned gently. "NO!" The pair simultaneously defended with alarm.

"Great," Luna Evelyn smiled, "Come with me, Lyric. I have something to show you. I think you'd find it quite amusing." "What is it?" Chase asked carefully. "You'll ask Lyric later," Evelyn mysteriously told her son, taking Lyric's hand and walking toward the Library. 

Lyric was quite confused but decided against questioning. Evelyn excitedly instructed Lyric to lock the doors. Lyric became immensely skeptical but listened and locked the door with a sharp 'click' sound.

"Luna-" Lyric started but was cut off with "Only Evelyn dear!" Luna Evelyn was rummaging through a lower cabinet until she pulled out a large book, covered in red velvet with the Eclipse Ray Pack symbol on the front. It was an old photo album. Luna Evelyn was bursting with excitement as she sat on the sofa, patting the space near to her and beckoning Lyric. Lyric was beyond perplexed but sat down near Evelyn.

-Nightthinker ©||2017

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