{Chapter 30}

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Moral: It's okay to not be okay. If you can survive a night in the company of self-destructive thoughts, you can survive through anything.

***Night Terror (Flashback - 11 years ago)***

The scorching heat of the sun made ten year old Lyric frown in despair. She licked her dry, cracked lips and placed her left hand over her eyes as she stared up at the roof of her large Pack Manor hopelessly. She predicted that she may probably die of heat-stroke or dehydration, added to the fact that she had not been fed in four days.

This chore was not going to be easy. Moreover, she had to complete it in time to make the Pack dinner. The roof was a combination of the dormer and intersecting hip roof style, made using asphalt shingle and shale. There were large areas almost completely covered with black algae stains.

Lyric steadied the ladder and used as much as energy as she could muster to climb it with a bucket of water, a bottle of bleach and a scrubbing brush in her mouth. The Alpha did not allow her to use anything that would make the task easier and safer.

Lyric panted lightly as she shakily pulled herself onto the roof. She playfully dangled her feet from the edge. 'Maybe heights aren't that bad,' she thought proudly at herself before getting to work.

She started from the edge of the porch, pouring the bleach on an area of tiles and scrubbing it vigorously. She climbed that ladder up and down numerous times to fetch clean water until her legs were sore and numb.

"Look at the worthless whore," a girl Lyric's age spat, pointing at Lyric from the ground. This was the Alpha's daughter, Madelyn. Lyric's eyes grew with alarm. She lowered her head submissively, which was well against her nature. The last thing she wanted was to get punished for disrespect.

Unknown to Lyric, who was dutifully minding her own business and trying with all her might to complete her chores and avoid a punishment, Madelyn and her friends were plotting to get Lyric into trouble.

Lyric started scrubbing the sloping area of the roof which covered the dining hall. It was quite high. She could feel the dwindle in her energy levels but shoved the feeling aside and forced her body to work harder. Lyric could not shake the feeling like she was being watched. She turned around. There was no one there.

She shook her head, 'Who would be up here in this heat?' Lyric stood up instantly, accidentally knocking over the bottle of bleach as the roof creaked. "Hey Disgrace!" Madelyn hailed with a cackle. Three of her friends were by her side, smirking deviously at Lyric.

Lyric was terrified. Sure, she could fight and kill all of them in a heartbeat. She was not afraid of them; she was frightened of what the Alpha will do to her if she retaliated. "I said hello!" Madelyn growled rudely. Lyric kept her head low and her eyes cast downward, "I have chores to do. Please go away."

Madelyn reached out and slapped Lyric, making her fall onto the very edge of the roof, holding her stinging cheek. Madelyn's friends threw Lyric's cleaning utensils on the ground below. Their laughter ringing in Lyric's ears as she hopelessly looked down."Now for the dirt," Madelyn directed to Lyric with a menacing look.

Masking her emotions, Lyric attempted to get to her feet but Madelyn stepped on Lyric's knee, pinning her to the ground. Lyric let out a wail. "You're so ugly and pathetic. No one loves you," Madelyn scrunched up her nose in disgust. Lyric struggled to move.

Lyric attempted to get up again. Madelyn yanked Lyric by her hair, just like her father had done many times before and pushed Lyric with such strength. Lyric fell off the edge of the roof, letting out an ear-piercing scream. She hit the hard ground with an excruciating pain and a sickening crack, instantly blacking out.

***Flashback over***

Jolting up, scared out of her wits, Lyric gasped for breath. The memory replayed itself so vividly. It was like re-experiencing the fall. Her heart was beating rapidly as she covered her head with her hands, looking desperately at sleeping Chase. 

She was the ruthless Shadow Rogue. How immensely embarrassing would it be that she woke him up because she could not handle a nightmare? Lyric knew she would not be able to sleep for the rest of the night. There was a nagging sensation at the back of her mind.

Lyric began shaking slightly. She knew she had to wake him. She could not handle herself. "C-Chase?" Lyric softly called, poking his arm. He did not stir. "Chase," Lyric tried, pushing him lightly. He grunted and moved. 

"Chase!" Lyric whined pleadingly. Her hysteria rose with every action. Chase's eyes instantly cracked open and was wide awake. He rolled over to Lyric who gave a soft cry in relief. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. He opened his arms, breaking the pillow barrier and Lyric did not spare a millisecond; leaping into an embrace. She tightly clutched onto his loose t-shirt. 

"Shhh, Lyric. It's alright. I'm here for you. I won't let anything hurt you," Chase comforted with a sleepy husk in his voice. He began running his hands along her back and through her hair soothingly. Lyric nodded at the reassuring words and her breathing returned to normal. "Thank you," she whispered shakily.

He responded with concern, "Anything for you, Nightshade. May I know what happened?" "I fell off a roof," Lyric responded softly, "Broke a lot of bones. It hurt." Chase went silent for a moment, "Nightshade, nothing is going to happen now. I'm here for you." "Thank you so much," Lyric repeated, loosening her grip on him.

 "No, keep them there  so I'll know if you have another nightmare," Chase instructed. Lyric did not complain. She let him get comfortable before wrapping her arms firmly around him. It was the best sleep Chase and Lyric ever had.

-Nightthinker ©||2017  

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