{Chapter 13}

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Moral:  "Vulnerability opens the door to deeper connection with one another." ~ Gail Lynne                           Goodwin  

               "Vulnerability is not about the fear, grief or disappointment. It is the birthplace of                                 everything we are hungry for." ~ Brené Brown

Chase's eyes widened, clearly impressed, "How did you know that?" Lyric bit her lip as she whispered, "I used to spend much time with my previous Pack's Head Sanctuary." He straightened himself, noting that she was exposing a vulnerable side. 'Was Lyric a Sanctuary's daughter? She could've been a Guardian too', he wondered to himself.

"Were you two close?", Chase questioned. Lyric's lips twitched as she read, "Very much. She was my godmother and a witch too." 'Maybe she could be. Sanctuaries and Guardians get quite controlling when in trouble,' he thought.

"And blue," she responded softly to his question from days ago. "Blue?" he repeated with a questioning tone, looking at her. "My favourite colour dimwit," Lyric rolled her eyes playfully. Chase's mouth formed an 'O' shape, "What kind? Like royal blue or sky blue?"

"The entire spectrum! I can't choose." she exclaimed and Chase saw her eyes light up then she inquired, "What's yours?" Chase chuckled, "Green like a forest green." He smiled at her lovingly. This was the side of her that he knew was there; the side of her she hid in her stone heart.

Desperately wishing to get to know his Mate, Chase casually asked, "How old are you?" "Twenty-one," Lyric mumbled almost inaudibly, "and you?" She was totally unaware of why she was being so vulnerable and opened to him. "Huh, I'm twenty-two," he replied slightly sheepish as her eyebrow rose but her gaze had not left the page.

Becoming extremely joyous, Chase inquired, "What's your favourite book?" She held up the book she was reading. "Cinderella? That's kinda childish for a badass Rogue," he chuckled.

"It was the very first fairy-tale I heard. Cinderella taught me that I should never look back because if she went back to pick up her shoe, she'd have never become a princess. She inspired me to not let bad things seize my spirit," Lyric said stiffly.

She found his comment very rude and offensive and that seemed to snap her back into her senses. Was she really opening up to him this easy? She closed her eyes and wiped her features clean of emotion. She rose, left the Library and made it a point to slam the door.

'Fuck me,' Chase thought as he flinched but did not follow. He had so many questions about her. He sat in the Library, unable to keep their encounter out of mind. It was amazing the way Lyric's personality suddenly transformed into who Chase believed she truly was. That was the side of her that saved Hope and supported Omegas.

'Just like that, you ruined it. Way to go Alpha Chase Arden!' Chase sulked miserably at his thoughts. It was fully apparent to him that she was exactly the type of Mate and Luna he needed. "I'm gonna make it up to her tomorrow...somehow," he mumbled before his eyes drooped close in the Library.

Storming into her room, Lyric showered and sat on her bed. She was highly annoyed and replayed the moment in her mind. "HOW DARE HE?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!" she fumed mentally, "I'm not his Mate. I'll make his life hell.Romance is just an imaginative craving of the heart. Nothing special or great. It's just a foolish joke." Lyric angrily pulled the covers completely over her.

Honestly, Lyric was scared. She was completely terrified of becoming a foolish fifteen year old again due to the effects of the Mate Bond. As a Rogue, she was not exactly happy but it was the happiest she felt after years. At the moment, Lyric did not hate Chase despite of the Library incident which just occurred. Yet she neither loved Chase nor liked him. She simply found him vaguely tolerable.

* * * * * * * * * *

As the morning progressed, Chase caught a glimpse of Lyric from behind, conversing with Roxanne and Amelia. He planned on spending time with his best friends and having fun for the day.

He tapped Lyric's shoulder. She turned around and glowered at him. It was the scariest glare Chase saw in his lifetime. 'How the hell am I gonna make it up to her? She looks like she's mentally ripping my throat out,' Chase thought, not fearful of his Mate regardless that she was a cold-blooded killer.

"I-I'm gonna hang with some friends. I was wondering if you'd like to come..."he trailed off expectantly. "No," she responded instantly, "I'm fine." Lyric's plans for the day included spending time with Pack pups and sleeping.

Upon seeing Chase, the other two she-wolves cast a worried look toward Lyric. Roxanne hugged him, whispering in his ear, "I have something to tell you. Private now." Roxanne smiled at Amelia and Lyric. She rose and walked with Chase till they were out of earshot.

"What's this about?" he questioned. Curiosity gnawed at his insides. "Lyric," Roxanne sighed, "We're friends now. We went shopping together. I waited for some time to tell you in case it was just nerves or something." Chase became immensely worried as he looked at Roxanne, "Is something wrong?"

"She's unhealthily slender. She's barely eating since she came here. Honestly, I only saw her eat the vegetables when she first came. She consumes her liquids and as a Sanctuary, I know it's unhealthy. I'm not quite sure if it's a disorder because werewolves rarely have that sort of things. Please talk to her about it," Roxanne pleaded.

Chase's eyes widened as he ran his hands through his already messy hair, thinking, 'Goddess, I'm the worst mate ever!' "Don't worry," he gave Roxanne a side-hug, "I'll handle it. I have an idea."

Indeed, he formulated a brilliant idea in his mind to pacify his mate and address her eating habits within the approaching night. Chase left to meet his friends with a rising sense of bliss and hoped that this plan could bring them closer together.


Oooh, I wonder what Chase has planned. He's a hopeless romantic xD I would really appreciate criticism!

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

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