{Chapter 11}

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Moral: Never underestimate anyone. Everyone is given something special that others don't have and have the power to surprise you. Do not underestimate yourself. It is our differences that make us beautiful.

"I really don't know much about you then except the fact that you're a Rogue who acts almost emotionless. You know weaponry. You like nature. You draw really well. You're also extremely gorgeous," Chase listed off, counting on his fingers. "How'd ya know all that?" she questioned alarmed. "You're my mate. My attention is always for you whether you accept it or not," his voice dropped at the end of the sentence.

"I AM emotionless. I obviously have to know combat to save my ass. I have no idea where you got that idea from. I'm a wolf so I ought to love nature. I don't think my drawings are that good and I'm sure as hell not even close to okay-looking," she responded harshly, gesturing to her scar.

In truth, Lyric never thought Chase would have noticed little things about her and it touched her greatly that he did but she lacked the words to express that. Therefore, she was mean. It was then Lyric realized that for the first time in a long while, someone complimented her. "Thank you," she repeated with more meaning as she offered a soft look,"It means a lot to me."

"You're most welcome,"Chase smiled brightly at her, "so what's your favourite colour?" She repeated the question, "Why are you asking?" "Cause we're mates and I'd like to know," he smirked, also repeating his answer. She used the most monotone voice she could muster, "Black like my soul."

The simile made Chase's eyes widen with discomfort and he gulped. Lyric's lips twitched and she snorted, "I'm not THAT dark, Chase." "Thank the Moon Goddess," he mumbled but due to heightened hearing, she heard him perfectly. "Oh, Lyric, what are we going to do for Training tomorrow?" he inquired. "Basic rules. Leave it to me," she shrugged. 

Lyric got up and was about to leave with her materials, hugged closely to her chest. "Let's go together," Chase replied. The walk there was silent but a strangely comfortable silence. Chase was slightly disappointed that his second attempt of getting to know Lyric was a failure. She was well-guarded. He was sure that he wouldn't give up on his alluring and mysterious mate.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Welcome to our first Training session together," Chase announced, rubbing his hands together. "As you all may know, this is Lyric. We're going to teach everyone at least some form of human combat so that in the event you're endangered and unable to shift. This can come in handy."

"And, um, yeah... uh" Under the scrutinizing watch of every wolf present, nervousness edged its way into Chase's mind. He began stuttering and his hands became clammy and sweaty. He wondered if he could successfully command them in a real bloody fight one day. He glanced toward Lyric. She stepped in instinctively.

"Get in order of strength now!" she ordered. Some she-wolves were reluctant and showed attitude but Lyric showed that they did not affect her. "For today, we'll be going through some basics. To showcase my first point, Guardian Jace who is classified as your strongest Guardian versus Gama Sophia who is your so-called weakest. Step into the ring please."

Chase's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did Lyric start a fight that is so easy to predict the outcome? "What are you doing?" Chase began, tilting his head backward. She cut him off with "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." Her eyes wandered down his body reluctantly. His white t-shirt hugged his upper torso while his sweat pants hung from his hips. 

"Place your bets now. Those who root for Jace to the left and those who root for Sophia to the right," Lyric instructed. Chase went to the left and Lyric rolled her eyes, how typical. Almost all wolves rooted for Jace. Some females were cheering for Sophia.

Lyric was imitating how her father used to handle Training sessions. "Begin," she instructed. Jace took an opportunity to catch Sophia in a bearhug. She was tiny and easily side-stepped his 'assault'. Many 'ooohs' were heard from the others as Jace stumbled.

Lyric's lips twitched in amusement, "It's advisable to let your opponent make the first move. Now, the biggest mistake you can make is underestimating an opponent. Many are under the misconception that size and strength is what helps you win a fight." The wolves were captivated by her commentary.

Jace elbowed Sophia lightly on her head. She responded with a roundhouse kick to his stomach. He stumbled back again, gasping for breath. Sophia threw up her forearms but Jace slipped it to the side, pushed her elbow down and caught her hair. Everyone cheered wildly for Jace until Sophia let out a war cry and kicked the back of his knee. He lost balance and fell face first.

"Skill and strategy help you win a fight. It doesn't matter if you're short or fat or tall or skinny. You have to know what you're doing and let your instincts be in control. We're werewolves. Our instincts are strong. You can be fighting a 6'5 meaty Alpha dumbass."

Lyric was clearly enjoying seeing Jace struggling against Sophia. "I think she misplaced it," Jace whined, holding his knee. Sophia grinned proudly until she realized everyone was awe-struck and silent. Lyric smirked, beginning to clap for her until everyone else joined in. "Five minutes break!" Lyric hollered.

Remembering his nervous break-down, Chase buried his face in his hands, ashamed. His parents had the intention of killing two birds with one stone due to this training by strengthening the bond between them both and allow him some more experience when he assumes his Alpha position.

Lyric, noticing his abnormal aura, sat near him, "It was bound to happen. Nervousness is natural for everyone. You're the Alpha's son," she drank some water and threw some of the droplets playfully on him.

"You're pressured from birth to approach these sort of situations. Then you become insecure 'cause you get worried of not being the Leader the Pack expects. Like I said before, we're werewolves. Follow your Alpha instincts, Chase. Be confident in who you are. You're going to be a wonderful Alpha someday."

With that, she nodded curtly, got up and returned to a punching bag of her own. She fired her deadly kicks and punches skilfully and in succession. She even was generous enough to show some she-wolves how to punch without harming their perfectly manicured nails. Chase looked at her in awe, touching some of the water of his nose.

He thought Lyric could accurately be compared to a nightshade; dangerous and peculiar yet beautiful. She diminished his feeling of unworthiness so effortlessly. He did not keep track of how long he shamelessly stared. Soon Training for that day was concluded. "You're dismissed," Lyric pulled away and cleared her throat. The exhausted wolves rushed out of the room swiftly.


Damn, Lyric knows her stuff XD I hope yall enjoyed this ^^ I accidentally lost this part so I had to re-do it. I hope I remembered everything xD 

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

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