{Chapter 12}

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Moral: Knowledge is the life and power of the mind. Knowledge is a treasure that has no value unless practiced.

Lyric too began heading toward the Alpha's office where him and Luna Evelyn waited. Chase followed her mindlessly, "What are you gonna talk to Pa about?" "You'll hear," she said scowling.

"Come in! Don't you two look exhausted?" Luna Evelyn greeted as the pair entered, pouring some tea in two teacups. They both sat down on the soft couches in the office. Alpha Harry inquired about the Training session and was contented with responses delivered.

"They have never trained in human form? As in no form of combat in human form?" Lyric inquired to Alpha Harry with a stony look. "Nah, not really, we just thought that our wolf abilities would always help us," he responded without hesitation.

"Sometimes circumstances can be very tricky. I'd say better safe than sorry," Lyric advised, "I'm also saying that not just the higher ranks should know how to fight. Give the Omegas and Sanctuaries who wish to participate permission. They are not as naturally skilled fighters as Guardians would be but their knowledge could come in handy one day to come." "Even pups about Hope's age should have some sort of attack in the event that someone like Zach comes along again," Lyric explained to the couple.

Luna Evelyn nodded with a proud smile, "Look at my children, all grown up and making their own decisions. I think you two would be spectacular leaders." Alpha Harry consented, thinking that it was not a bad idea, "Yes, we have the equipment and trainers. It's best of take advantage of that. I'll hold a Pack Meeting to announce this new rule tomorrow." He called the Eclipse Manor for the word to be spread.

Lyric thanked Luna Evelyn for the tea and took her leave. After that Training session, Chase became even more intrigued about his perplexing Mate and so he followed her. Lyric went to the Manor and entered her bedroom where Chase almost entered in his pursuit. "What? Are you going to join me in the shower as well?" Lyric rudely snapped.

"Yeah," Chase replied smugly removing his top, smirking at Lyric's horrified expression, "but not just yet." He winked and was off to his own bedroom where he stripped and showered. Lyric stripped herself of clothes, completely avoiding the mirror and entered the bathroom where she spent only fifteen minutes.

She dressed herself and headed to the library. Chase peeked his head out the bedroom door and once more, followed her. Lyric felt an odd mix of irritation and flatter when she caught his mesmerizing scent in the air.

Lyric rolled her eyes, "If you're planning on killing me, stabbing me in the back won't be as effective stabbing me in the heart." She daintily turned her head, "You definitely cannot be a spy." Chase's cheeks were flamed with redness as he tried to act casual.

"I-I wasn't stalking y-you at all!" his eyes didn't meet hers and his words were swift and stuttered. Lyric had an uncanny ability to read the auras of people. She knew how to determine a lie from a truth and how to appeal and annoy others.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Chase," she dryly stated. "But satisfaction brought it back," he countered proudly. Lyric gave an annoyed sigh as she pushed open the regal wooden doors of the library. She stepped in the room, inhaling the sweet scent of books and comfort.

As she nestled herself in the window seating (for she had grown quite fond of them), Chase entered and pretended to be searching for a book about Wolfsbane. He took out his wide-framed glasses out of his pocket and placed them on the bridge of his nose.

The air had an awkward tension as he feigned frustration, noticing Lyric reading 'Cinderella.' Lyric looked at him with a raised eyebrow, finding him immensely attractive at this moment, "You wear glasses?" "You can read?" he questioned softly, voicing his thoughts.

Her eyes suddenly narrowed, "I wasn't born a Rogue, ya know? I'm perfectly literate." He smiled at her, not meaning to insult her, "For a werewolf, my sense of sight isn't the best. Can you help me find a book?"

She sighed, closed her eyes and mumbled, "Fine." She stood at the 'W' section of the shelf beside Chase. "It's an old heavy book about wolfsbane with a grey cover. It's supposed to be right here but I'm not finding it," he stated, scratching the back of his neck in thought.

Together, they began searching for the hidden book. Chase looked through the right and Lyric searched the left side of the shelf. "There it is," they both acknowledged in sync as their hands collided simultaneously on the old spine of the grey book. There was the undeniable production of sparks, tingling their skins.

Lyric's orbs met his speechless ones. They simply stared at each other in silence. He surely feigned looking for the book but was not expecting them to touch. Lyric removed her hand above his and reigned in her emotions. She hummed and left him in the aisle to seat herself and continue reading.

"Thanks," he smiled at her and pushed the glasses upward as he flipped through the book. "Ah! Here it is! Wolfsbane, also known as aconite or monkshood, is a complex liquid substance used for causing excruciating pain to a werewolf. The effects of the potion depends on how much is delivered to its victim." 

Lyric snorted, "That's basic information. Such deep research." Chase pursued his lips, avoiding her eyes, "I was looking for how its actually processed to help Felix with a school essay. That's not widely known."

Lyric turned the page as her eyes carelessly scanned the words, "Obviously, the most dark blue Aconitum flowers have to be crushed as fine as possible to dissolve. Then perchloric acid is added which makes the solution a lighter blue. That has to be left for a week, gradually adding raw alcohol and stirring counter-clock-wise thrice. Then, it's left for a day. Lastly, put the glass in a container with diluted silver. If the Wolfsbane is meant to kill, some of pure silver is added."

-Nightthinker ©||2017   

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