Anatomy of a Murder Part One

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Hours have passed and all the joy from the dance had left my system. I was sat next to my dad on the couch while everyone's parents flooded into the room with their children not too far behind. Everyone was talking about FP being framed, and I would've believed them if they had any evidence. "Guys, this murder has gone on a really long time now. I love FP like family but has anyone considered the possibility that he actually did this? Unless you can find proof no one is ever going to believe you." I said looking up from my phone and straight at Betty who seemed to be running the show.

"I find myself believing professionals more than three junior sleuths." Alice said looking between Betty, Veronica, and Archie. None of them seemed to be listening to what anyone was saying. Standing up I walked past them all before being held back by Jughead.

"Do you really think my dad could've done this Alex? You've known him your whole life and you think he would randomly murder Jason Blossom?" He whispered while everyone else argued.

"Of course not Jug, but until Betty pulls some security footage or actual evidence out of something no one can help him." Jughead looked like a mess. His eyes were bloodshot and the bags underneath surely didn't help their condition. "You know even with all of this going on I'm always here for you Jughead. I don't care if you marry Betty Cooper, we will always be best friends." I was surprised when he pulled me into a hug and squeezed the life out of me.

"Thank you Alex, really." We stepped apart and stared for a second before he released me completely and turned back towards the group. Stepping out of my house and into the yard I sat on the steps and called Reggie.

"Well look who actually called." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "And the same day, that dance must've been just as good for you Andrews."

"Well I just need to talk to someone who hasn't spent every minute of their life investigating a murder. Figured you could help me out with that."

"Is that why you had to leave? Your parents heard about Jones?"

"Something like that. So let's talk about the elephant in the room Mantle, where is this going?" I heard him sigh and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. "I'm just asking because after all this my Mom offered me a room with her in Chicago and I don't know if I should take it."

"Well I can't tell you what to do, but if I have to go the rest of my life without seeing you because you move away I think I may die." He says with a laugh. "If you really can't decide just think about what you love and where the most of those things are. Why go somewhere when you know you could be happier somewhere else?"

"That may be the smartest thing you've said yet."


"Anytime. I guess I better get to thinking, I'm almost out of time."

"Goodnight Alex." When we hung up I walked back inside to see her parents looking very stressed.

"Is there something I can do to relieve you guys of whatever issue is weighing down the entire room? You look more stressed than the day I told Archie his hair would never grow back." My dad laughed at the memory, but it only lasted for a second. "Seriously though, what's going on?"

"Your brother is just giving us a lot to think about." Mom said as she took another sip from the glass of water and took what looked like asprin. "Please tell me you aren't about to sneak off and do something stupid?"

"Nope, just gonna grab a shake to go from pops and come back here. Can I borrow the car?"

"Sure kid, just be careful." Dad said as he pulled the keys from his pocket and tossed them to me. "If you aren't back within the hour I'm calling Pops myself to check on you." Nodding I backed away and grabbed a coat out of the closet before heading out. I was still wearing my dress but I was too lazy to change. When I got in the car I changed the station until I heard the 1975 playing softly through the speakers.

The streets were empty making me worried until I saw it was nearly midnight. When I pulled into the parking lot I saw Jughead sitting by himself in a booth. I turned off the car as quickly as I could and walked into the dimly lit diner. "So we're right back where we started?" I asked as I sat down across from him in the same booth we sat in that night before school started. "It's weird how much has changed since last time."

"Who knew this town was capable of half this?"

"Well right now it isn't the whole town I'm worried about. Jason Blossom is already dead, your dad is already arrested, and now all I care about is what happens to you." He looked up at me and all I could think about was what he said to me all those weeks ago in this same spot. Was I worth this? Was I so important that I was willing to break people up and drag people down with me?

"You can stop pretending you still care Alex. After I started dating Betty you practically hated me and hated her more if that was even possible. You've even started spending time with Reggie and Veronica who seemed like the last people on the planet you would be near. Admit it, everything has changed. Even us."

"Oh shut the hell up!" He looked like he wanted to say something, but I didn't give him the chance. "Jughead I've given you a million chances and all you did this year was lie straight to my face, lead me on, and make me feel like I was in the wrong when your girlfriend was blackmailing. I came here because I wanted to help but clearly you feel exactly the same as you have this whole time. Go screw yourself Jughead Jones. And tell your Dad I hope he gets out, because I sure as hell won't be around to see it end."

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