The Body Double Part Two

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When I got home that day I heard a not so friendly conversation between Archie and our Dad. I waited outside and sent a message to Jughead to be prepared for a possible Pop's night. "Kid what are you doing out here? If you forgot your key you know I could've let you in." Dad said as he sat beside me on the porch steps.

"I know I just figured it was a better idea to stay out of the line of fire. You know how mad Arch gets when I know a single thing about his life. It isn't like we grew up around all the same people that I used to call my friends or anything."

"Alex you and I both know that Archie has just been in some hard situations lately. He isn't getting rewarded or anything. In fact, he just got himself grounded." I had never felt happier. I was always the trouble maker as a kid and knowing that Archie had finally done something to land himself a grounding was exciting.

"Well as your good kid I'll be heading over to Pop's to meet up with a friend."I had barely made it off the porch before he called out for me.

"I don't think so Alex, at least not tonight."

"Dad just because rich boy Blossom got himself shot doesn't mean I will too. Someone had a motive that day, and anyway Cheryl just got called out for having a part in it all which means she's probably grounded longer than Archie."

"Alex, surprisingly it isn't the murderer I'm concerned about right now. I need you to stay here and watch your brother. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid tonight. His room is across from yours so you'll hear long before I have time to go up and stop him. Please Alex."

"Why do I have to suffer for him doing something again? He was the perfect child and landed himself a spot on the varsity football team, he gets to be good at music, get all the friends even when he messes up! And what do I get? Banned from the one person who actually likes me in this town and put on babysitting duty!"

"Alex, life isn't fair." He said it in such a nonchalant way I knew he had said it and heard it at least a hundred times before. "Some people are on top sometimes, but that doesn't last forever."

"No it just lasts as long as their fathers decide they deserve it. I work my ass off and he still gets everything Dad! He got Betty, and now Jughead, and even Veronica. How am I supposed to live my life when I'm constantly living in the shadow of the favorite?" Before I could even realize what I'd said a call came in on his cell phone. He shook his head and answered it without looking back at me as he walked in the house.

Pulling out my phone I dialed the one person who might understand what it's like to be alone. "Hey I know we aren't exactly friends but I could really use someone to talk to and you're the only person who might be able to help."

*Above is a picture of the true Jellybean Jones. Isn't she a beauty lmao*

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