The Last Picture Show Part 3

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As Kevin had sat in the front of the car looking for the phone he dropped under the seat I sat in the bed with Veronica. "So what is this all about? You sounded a little scary on the phone."

"Something really bad happened to me on July fourth. No, I didn't kill Jason Blossom but I was at Sweetwater river that day. I was actually there with an ex of mine."

"Is this a breakup story because those aren't as dramatic you sounded earlier." She says with a slight eye roll and a sip of her drink. "I mean I support you if you need to vent but I was hoping for something a little more intense."

"Veronica there's a reason I called that guy my ex. That morning at the river we were celebrating our anniversary and we started to makeout. Things got a little too heated and I tried to get him to stop but he- he wouldn't listen. At the time I was friends with Betty so I told her that morning to come meet me there with the bathing suit I forgot and when she got there it was too late. Evan was gone and I was bruised and bleeding."

"Alex please tell me he didn't." Her eyes filled with concern as she thought over what I had said. "Tell me she called the police!"

"Actually she called me a liar. She knew Evan too from school and told me he would never do anything like that. Said he was a nice guy and I was making it up for attention. Once she didn't believe me I felt like no one would and decided it would be better to just pretend it never happened. The next month Evan moved out of state on a football scholarship and none of us have seen him since."

"Babe I'm so sorry." She wrapped her arm around me and pulled me into a hug. "Why don't we just tell Kevin and ask his dad to help? I'm sure we can get him put away or something."

"I don't want that. As long as he's gone I can live with it, but now Betty is using it against me and blackmailing me into avoiding my brother and best friend and I have no way of stopping her."

"What the hell is wrong with her?" She nearly shouted catching the attention of Kevin and a few others in cars nearby. "How could she use something so sensitive against somebody? Especially her being best friends with your brother!"

"My question exactly, but I need an ear on the inside. And if you're up for it I'd like that to be you."

"I'm already in. What do you need me to do?" She smiled at Veronica's anxiousness.

"You're closer to her than most people so if you can somehow get her plans and any evidence she has gone that would be great. Not a lot of people know this, not even Betty, but Jughead is more important to me than some of my family and he's all I really have. If I have to stop talking to him I have no one and that's just not something I ever want." I felt a tear slip down my face and looked up at the booth where Jughead was.

"Oh my god this is about more than just losing your best friend. You're in love with him." The smirk on her face made my entire face bright red.

"Of course I love him he's my best friend. I don't have feelings for him!"

"Honey friends come and go, believe me, but you only love so many people in this world and the look on your face right now says you love him Alex."

"Alright so what if I do? Jughead isn't the kind of guy to want a relationship. Especially with me."

"Alex you are a beautiful, smart, and funny young woman. There isn't a guy in this world who wouldn't be lucky to have you. Now go find your friend, make up, and let me take care of Betty." The smile on her face grew as I got out of the truck and walked towards the booth. "Get it girl." She finished with a wink as Kevin finally came out with his phone.

"I don't know what I missed but good luck I guess." He said with a smile as he took my spot in the truckbed.

Making my towards the door I stopped when I saw a text from Betty on my phone.

Betty - Remember what I said. Don't test me because you don't have a chance.

Walking away from the drive in and down lots of roads I finally made it back to my house a few hours later. I saw Archie and my Dad hugging. Things just always worked out so well for him even when he was supposed to be grounded. "Well look whose finally home." Dad said as I failed to walk past unnoticed.

"Well look who is getting hugs after sneaking out for days." I said with an eye roll.

"Look Alex we really have to think about this family and what's best for it. We have to stop keeping all these secrets and hiding things. From now on we work as a team around here. That means you too Alex." Dad says giving me a look.

"What's the worst that can happen with honestly?" Archie asked with a smile.

"Hopefully you never find out." I whispered with a sigh before walking inside and praying that he really did never find out.

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