The Outsiders Part Two

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The day we all planned to help my dad at his site had arrived and I woke up bright and early. Dressing in a forest green dress and my black blazer I adjusted the sleeves so the elbow patches actually lined up with my own. "That's a little formal for sitting in a trailer all day don't you think?" Turning around I saw Jughead leaning against the door. "Don't tell me you're wearing heels too."

"What if someone comes in to do actual business? I have to be prepared for any situation don't I?" I said doing a little spin. "Plus, it's not like I have any other occasion to wear these clothes, right?"

"You could wear them on dates or to school like everyone else." He said stepping further into the room.

"When have I ever been like everyone else? That's part of my appeal." Walking towards my closet I grabbed some plain black wedges and sat on my bed to slip them on. "Unless you're insinuating you know someone who wants to date this hot mess?"

"Well I've heard a few things about Reggie Mantle." He trailed off as he sat beside me.

"Well I don't want Reggie." Looking up at Jughead I thought about the last time the two of us had sat here. It had been months. Before all the confessions and blackmailing we were just best friends who could do this like it was no big deal. Now all I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him, and how much I couldn't. "The one thing I want I can't have."

"Can I ask you something?" I gave a nod before looking down at the floor.

"Why didn't either of us do anything after that football game? Things seemed like they were going somewhere, for the both of us, and then suddenly it was like we were right back where we started." Knowing that Jughead thought about it just as much as I did was somewhat of a relief.

"Because as soon as I had the guts to tell you everything changed. You got distant and spent all your time with Betty, I was dealing with the crippling pressure of hiding a huge secret, everything was happening and I guess we just let the rest of the world live our lives for us."

"And what about now? Now that we're alone and back where we started what do you want with your life?" Looking back at him I could see the little crease between his eyebrows and the light reflecting off his green eyes. "If you could do anything, what would it be?"

Out of a moment of pure courage and delusion I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. For a moment, nothing happened and all my insecurities kicked in. But then he put his hand on my cheek and pulled me even closer. Chills shot up my spine as I grabbed the collar of his flannel and tried to pull him impossibly closer. Kissing someone you love is the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

If I could have, I would've lived in that moment forever. When we pulled back I couldn't help but smile. "We shouldn't have done that." He said, but I could see him blushing.

"Maybe you shouldn't have, but that's all I've wanted to do for months now and I don't regret a second of it." And I didn't. That kiss made me realize what had to be done if I wanted to be happy, even if that meant Betty Cooper wasn't.

Letting go of his collar he retracted his arm and slid a little further away. "So what does this mean now?"

"That's up to you. I will fight for this no matter who or what tries to stop me, but if you really are serious about Betty then stop me now because I can't not be able to do that again." When he said nothing I moved to grab my purse and walked towards the door. "C'mon. We have to go help my dad."


Later that day I sat in the trailer organizing files with my dad. "How many more of these are there?" I asked as I pulled open another drawer filled to the brim with papers.

"Just two more including that one. We've done a lot today Alex, I'm really proud of you guys for getting together and helping me out. It's really big of you all."

"I'm just glad we could help. Why didn't you tell me earlier about all this? I helped you all summer with paperwork and you never said anything about struggling with things." Grabbing a big pile I walked it back over to the desk.

"Well no parent wants to admit to their kids that they screwed up. Especially the daughter who is a parents dream." He said with a laugh. "How have you managed to be so good?"

"Well about that," It was now or never. I had to tell my Dad if I wanted to get any closer to fixing this whole thing. "Something happened when I went out on the fourth of July with Evan. And something happened again recently."

"Please tell me you don't have something to do with the murder of that Blossom boy?"

"No, nothing like that I promise. When Evan and I went out to celebrate our anniversary he did something and I didn't tell you because I thought I would get in trouble but now things got out of hand and I need your help telling Sheriff Keller." He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.

"I'll kill that boy! How did you let it go this long? Alex what were you thinking?" He shouted as he threw down the folder in his hand. "Is that why he left the state? He thought he could do that to my daughter and just run away?"

"Dad, Betty Cooper is blackmailing me with this. She's threatening to tell the whole town about it if I don't stay away from Archie and Jughead. Somehow I'm getting in her way and she has evidence to make me look bad. I need to tell Sheriff Keller myself before I lose everyone and everything." He took some deep breaths and sat down beside me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but it was just so hard to tell anyone that she was the only person who knew up until a few weeks ago."

"I didn't mean to yell, of course I'll help you talk to the Sheriff. I don't know how much they can do about it but if you go to people after Betty with whatever her story is they're less likely to believe you. For now let's finish up this paperwork and then bright and early tomorrow the two of us will go down to the police department okay?"

I nodded and leaned over to hug my dad. He asked how he got such a good kid, but I always found myself wondering how I got such an amazing dad.

Blackmailed by Betty (Jughead Jones III)Where stories live. Discover now