Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! Part Two

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After leaving Reggie and his hoard of idiots in the auditorium I sat down outside by myself at a picnic table. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and started scrolling through my Twitter feed. "You know it really doesn't matter what everyone is doing if you're just reading it instead of doing stuff yourself." Jughead said as he sat beside me.

"You know it's useless to talk to someone who isn't listening." I said as I scooted further away from him on the bench. "Why are you here?"

"Because something is wrong with you and I wanna know why the first people you told were Betty and Veronica instead of your best friend."

"Oh I have a best friend? I couldn't tell by the backstabbing and budding romance between them and my enemy."

"Alex you know that wasn't intentional. Sometimes those things just happen. But that shouldn't be the reason you stop acting like nothing happened between us."

"Jughead, if you really believed something had happened between us then you would've believed me when I told you what happened. You wouldn't have trusted Betty and started dating her or whatever the hell you two are doing. I won't spend the rest of my life waiting around for something that isn't going to happen because that's insane."

From the corner of my eye I saw Betty, Archie, and Valerie coming towards the table. Plugging in my earbuds I played music quietly and ignored the group that sat down around us. Looking up I saw Archie looking right back at me with sad eyes. When they started talking I looked away and lowered the volume to listen in. When I heard them talking about the talent show I almost zoned out, but when I heard my name I was glad I hadn't.

"Guys do you have any idea what's going on with Alex?" Archie asked. "First she starts ignoring everyone and now she's hanging out with Reggie Mantle. Something is seriously wrong and I have no idea what to do."

"Maybe you should just give her time?" Betty offered. "She doesn't seem to want to talk about it and if you try and force it things might get worse."

"That's easy for you to say when you know what happened. Why didn't you tell me Betty? I thought we could trust each other. You didn't think it was important to tell me when something happened to my own sister?"

"Nothing happened to your sister. She's being overdramatic and there's no way what she says is true." She snapped back.

"Betty why don't you just tell us?" Jughead asked. "I would rather know and be angry or know she's lying than keep going on like this."

"Why do you care so much about Alex? All she's done our whole lives is drag you around and get you into trouble." I couldn't help but think back at my childhood and how many times Jughead and I had gotten into some sort of trouble as kids. Maybe him hanging out with me was what got him into all of that?

"Betty I don't know why you're saying rude things about Alex right in front of me but I really think you should take a step back. I get that you know what happened and that you have something against her but at the end of the day she's still my sister." I was almost proud of Archie for cutting her off and actually standing up for me. Taking out my headphones I saw them all turn towards me watching carefully as I put my things up.

"Oh hey guys didn't see you sit down, sorry. Did I miss anything?" I tried to avoid looking at Betty who looked more nervous than the rest.

"Nothing important just a lot of talk about the variety show." Archie said. I saw Veronica and Kevin approaching and just nodded before getting up.

"Well have fun I have to go do some work see you later." As I passed by Veronica she looked a little confused. "I'll explain later. We have a lot to talk about."

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