The Body Double Part Three

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"Welcome to the inner circle Alexandria." Hearing those words made me want to see my lunch a second time, but Cheryl Blossom was the only person who struggled even when she was a spoiled brat. "Now what brings you to the fire?"

"Look Cheryl, you and I both know I wouldn't do this unless I was desperate. Nothing in my life is going right and I figure if you seem to be your same bitchy self after the death of someone s- so- close you might be able to help me fix my life too."

Cheryl Blossom did what you could only expect from an egotistical bitch. Flipped her hair, smoothed out her top, and gave me a smirk. "I would be happy to help, but with the help of someone like mwah, it comes with a price."

"Cheryl you're family is one of the most economically secure in this whole city, damn the state even! What could you possibly want from me?"

"I need you as an ear on the inside. You're closer with that Scooby gang than anyone else and no one has been able to break those barriers to get any actual intel. So we can call it a trade. For every vital piece of information you give me, I take you one step closer to a happy life."

"Cheryl I'm asking for advice not a makeover, but forget it. You're just as crazy as everyone says. Maybe even crazy enough to kill your own brother." I walked out of the gym as quickly as I could letting her plot on her own as I rushed around campus in hopes of finding Veronica. Luckily I found her standing at her locker with Kevin and Betty.

"Ronnie thank god I'm desperate and you're the only person I can talk to!" I saw Kevin roll his eyes with a laugh and Betty just roll her eyes. "Sorry Kev, but this doesn't involve boys or fashion for once."

"Hey, I'm useful for more than just hot gossip. Unless this is about murder because I hear enough of that at home."

"Actually it's about my me, I kind of made a mess of things and I know it's a sore subject but Veronica your father is in prison and you still keep on good terms. How the heck do you manage that?"

"Well young grasshopper it's a lot easier to be nice to someone when you don't have to see them every day. Whether it's your dad or someone you meet at the mall. I recommend about five hours of quality time and three apologies. That's usually the best bet." She says with a hand on my shoulder and a smile. "Now can I vent about Chuck to you three?"

Before she could start two devious minions walked by talking about a Sticky Maple. "We had a brownie sundae if that's what you hyenas mean!"

Suddenly Kevin gasped as he looked at his phone. "Oh my God."

"What?" Veronica asked as she took his phone from him and saw the maple syrup photoshopped onto the selfie her and Chuck must've taken last night. "What the hell is a Sticky Maple?" She asked the trio in front of her.

"It's kind of what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing." Kevin answered.

"No, Kevin, it's a slut shaming thing. And I'm neither a slut, nor am I go to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton." She looked angrier than when she snapped at the so called hyenas. "Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped up phallic symbol!"

"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee." Betty added trying to calm down her friend.

"About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?"

"I can expose him on the Blue and Gold? Yeah, I can do that!" Betty tried again making me cover my mouth to stop the laughter at her half assed ideas of revenge.

"No. Spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rules. Well I don't follow the rules, I make them, and when necessary I break them." She slammed Kev's phone into his chest before storming off down the hall with Betty following close behind. I knew I should've followed as any good friend would, but knowing Ronnie she was about to go full dark and that wasn't something I could afford right now.

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