Chapter 11

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When morning came, Maurice was stumbled upon by Agatha who was a spinster. She wasn't able to marry and when she grew old, nobody liked her and therefore no one could take care of her. So she just begged for scraps in the village. Agatha saw Maurice and gently took off the rope that was hugging his skin. Maurice opened his eyes and saw Agatha who was helping him.

"Ginny," he breathed out.

Agatha stiffened and dropped the rope that she was holding.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, her British accent showing.

"Ginny. You're my daughter," Maurice said.

A smile formed on Ginny's face as he went back to sleep. If people are starting to remember their other lives, then that means that the spell was slowly breaking. But she knows that later on, Maurice won't call her by her real name but he'll call her Agatha.

She helped him stand up and the both of them walked towards the small tent that Ginny made. There was a comfortable bed made of grass and there were a few potions inside it too. There was also an owl inside. Ginny laid her father on the bed and created a few herbal medicines because he was sick with so much cold air last night.

"Ron will get into a lot of trouble when Dad finds out what he did to him," Ginny muttered to herself.

When she was done with the medicine, she gently blew on it and gave it to Maurice to drink. He did as he was told and drank the medicine.

"Thank you Agatha," he said before he went back to sleep.

Ginny smiled sadly and put the cup on her small table. Her owl began to stir and little but she calmed him down.

"Shhhh. Calm down Hedwig."

Ginny found the owl one day in the woods as Agatha and she saw the owl who had its wing broken. She thought that it was probably because of Gaston who was shooting anything that flies. So she fixed him up and now he doesn't want to leave her. She also got attached to him and in honor of Harry's old owl, she named him Hedwig.


Carrying a book in her hands, Belle entered the West Wing and started to read. She was holding a book entitled A Midsummer's Night Dream by Shakespeare.

Mrs. Potts mentioned to her a few minutes ago that the Beast loves to read himself and his mother used to read him to sleep to calm him down. Somehow, Belle wanted to read to him. Not for the sake of letting him go to sleep since he already is but so that he could calm down.

"There my Lystander and myself shall meet."

She started.

"And thence from Athens turn away our eyes,"

"To seek new friends and stranger companies."

"Farewell, sweet play fellow."

"Pray thou for us."

"And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius!-"

"Keep word, Lystander. We must starve our sight."

"From lovers' food till morrow deep midnight."

"I will, my Hermia, Lystander said."

"Helena, adieu."

"As you on him, Demetrius dote on you!"

"How happy some o'er other some can be! Helena said."

"Through Athens I am thought as fair as she."

"But what of that? Demetrius thinks not so."

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