Chapter 10

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Days in the sun, will return we must believe as lovers do...

That days in the sun will come shining through.


Belle woke up, completely forgetting what happened last night with Hermione and Harry. She prepared herself for her breakfast and since Lumiere told her that it was already being served. While she was eating, she couldn't enjoy it. Even if the food was really delicious, Belle couldn't eat because she kept on worrying about the Beast.

"Is there something wrong?" Mrs. Potts asked.

"Is the food no good?" Cogsworth asked.

"No. No. It's not that," she told them.

"I'm just," she paused. "I'm worried about him. How is he?"

Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth shared a look that Belle didn't notice. Mrs. Potts started to tell Belle how the Beast is doing.

"He's still asleep. We've given him soup which he also didn't even finish. Do you want to see him?"

"May I?" Belle asked.

If the Beast will die or catch some serious disease because of her, she'll never forgive herself. Despite how much she loathed him at first, she grew to care for him because he saved her. But she feels like its somethings more than that but she can't put her finger on it.

"Of course dearie. Just finish your soup and we'll take you straight to him."

Eager to see the Beast, Belle finished her soup in a flash. Then Mrs. Potts led her to the West Wing where the Beast was asleep. She walked towards him and checked if he was sick. She was relieved when she saw that he wasn't. She let out a relived sigh.

Belle stood up from his bed and caught sight of the rose that the Beast was protecting. She remembered the story that Lumiere and Cogsworth told her on the first day she was trppaed. She felt as if she was there for a long time but she was only there for three days.

"What happens when the last petal falls?" She asked them.

"The master remains a Beast forever," Lumiere replied. "And we become-."

"Antiques," Mrs. Potts said.

"Knickknacks," Lumiere said.

"Lightly used housewares," Plumette chimed in.

"Rubish," Cogsworth said. "We become rubish."

"I want to help you," Belle said.

These people or furniture has been so kind and helpful to her. She really wanted to help them and bring them back in their natural human forms.

"There must be some way to break the curse," she said, showing her determination to help them.

"Well there is one," Cogsworth said but Lumiere told him to be quiet before he c held say what it was.

"It's not for you to worry about lamb," Mrs. Potts said. "We've made our bed and we must lie in it."

Belle looked at the rose a saw a petal fall. She can't help but feel bad that she can't do anything to help or save her friends. Little did any of them know, is that the Beast heard their conversation and he felt his heart warm up with the way Belle was concerned.


Meanwhile last night, while Belle and the Beast were going back into the castle, Maurice, Gaston and Lefou were at the woods looking for Belle. Gaston was getting really impatient with Maurice and his patience was really running thin. The three of the, heard the wolves howling and Gaston felt like he would rather deal with wolves instead of the crackpot in front of him.

Beauty and the Beast: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now