Jean x Reader - By My Side

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"Jean..." Your voice filled in with the surrounding sounds of the spring day. "What would you do if you knew you were dying..?"

"Huh?" He cocked an eyebrow as his mouth hung slightly opened.

"Just answer the question." You insisted.

"Hmm.." he gave you a long stare as to fish out any suspicious thoughts you might have.

"Ah.. I-it was just a topic of discussion in class today.." you staggered to quench his curiosity.

"Well.. there are a lot of things I have yet to do.." His hand cupped his chin as his eyes wandered above to the blue sky tainted with the thick white clouds.

"What kinds of things are you talking about?" You leaned in closer to him, waiting for his response.

He rubbed his chin a while longer before puffing his chest up and sporting a big smile then snapping his fingers. "I'd love to take a trip in the country side someday.."

"You've never been there?" Your head tilted on its side.

"Well, not exactly.." His bottom lip overlapped his upper lip and his eyes turned to you confused.

"Oh.. what else.." You continued.

"There's way to many things to do.." He stretched his arms up and yawned. "It's a typical answer but I'd do anything to make people remember me. That means being nice to others and just paying it forward, you know."

Your eyes glistened as you watched Jean answer your question.

"Were you listening?" He bopped your head. "You look like you dozed off."

"Ow.. of course I was!" You raised your voice and rubbed your head.

"Good. Because I think those were probably the nicest things you'll hear me say."

"Whatever Jean. You're a great person!" You nudged the side of his arm.

"I know.." He chuckled as the two of you continued on with your walk.

"Are you all ready Jean?" You peered from the passenger side of the beat-down faded blue truck.

"How did you manage to ask your dad and get us to use his old truck?" He said as he threw over a bag over into the truck.

"Doesn't matter, let's go before he changes his mind!" You yelled over to him as he hurried over to the driver's seat.

"Alright.. so, where are we going?" Jean placed his hand on the steering wheel.

"The country side!"

"Right.." He started the engine. "Well, let's go then!"

Jean reversed the truck and the two of you were off on your short road trip to the green fields not too far from home.

As you two drove with the windows rolled down, you saw the waving grass with some horses and cattle scattered. "Jean look!" You pointed to the horses.

"Don't you even." His eyes stared at the road in rage.

You giggled to yourself as you rested against the door, feeling the wind rush past your face. "This is great Jean.." You turned to face him.

"This is just the beginning.." He smiled. "Just wait until you see where I'm gonna take you.."

You squinted your eyes and thought for a while. "Wait.. You know where you're taking me?"

"Yeah, even though I've never been there, I want to see it."

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