Chapter 37: Oh, You're Sorry? I'm Sorry Too, For Not Giving A Shit!

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Ch37: Oh, You're Sorry? I'm Sorry Too, For Not Giving A Shit!



"Ellie please wake up!"

"Call an ambulance!"

"Ellie please open your eyes."

I can hear his voice, but everything sounds so far away that it feels like he's talking to someone else.

"Elliana Bair, please open your eyes and talk to me."

I slowly force my eyes to open and everything looks extremely bright and blurry.

"You're okay Elliana," I feel someone run their hand through my hair and I groan.

God everything hurts so much.

"I'm here Ellie," he says. "Its okay. You're okay."

"Everything hurts," I groan trying my best to get my vision to focus, but everything looks blurry.

"I know Ellie," the voice says "but you have to hold on. The ambulance is on its way."

"I can't," I shake my head as the pain becomes greater making it feel as if someone were stabbing me over and over again.

"Yes you can," he reassures me. "Focus on me Elliana. Don't stop looking at me, okay?"

God, I want my mom.

Where the hell is my mom at?

Why does everything hurt so much?

"Okay," I say trying my best to nod as my vision begins to clear up slightly, but not enough. I think I see his brown hair.

"Who did this Ellie?" the voice asks.

"Josh," I smile. "You're here. I didn't think anyone would find me."

"It's okay Princess ," he runs his hand through my hair. "I found you."

"Thank you," I smile.

Its okay.

"Stay awake Elliana!"

I'm about to answer that I am awake, but everything goes dark again.


"Calm down," I hear a voice and I open my eyes to see many bright lights.

I blink a few times to try to get my vision to focus and It slightly does, but everything still looks a little fuzzy. Although I can make out Josh and Vincent in the distance standing by what appears to be a white wall.

"Calm down?" Josh yells. "Don't ask me to calm down Vincent!"

"I get it," Vincent starts, but Josh interrupts him.

"You don't get it," he leans against the wall his hands covering his face. "That's my girl in there. I love her Vincent and if anything happens I-"

He loves me.

No, stay awake Elliana!

I can feel my eyes starting to close, but I force them to stay open.

"Nothing is going to happen," Vincent puts his hands on Josh's shoulder. "You heard the doctor Josh. He said she was young and had a huge fighting chance."

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