Chapter 41

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The living room never felt so small before. The household sits around, stuffing themselves on the couch while Jeff and Dad stand around the room, not bothering to try and find a seat. I, as always find myself in the front of the room, all eyes on me, everyone waiting for an explanation.

I take a deep breath and squeeze Masky's hand as I attempt to make sense of everything that has happened within the last hour.

"Okay so I guess I'll start from the top," I take another breath, "So Masky and I are getting married."

The room stays silent, as if no one knows how exactly to react. I look over at my father. As he stands in the corner of the room I try to study his expressionless face, attempt to predict his next action. He stands up straight as the idea goes through his head of me getting married and all I can do is hope for no death to occur. He walks over to us and just towers over us for a moment, for a second I swear he's going to attack like always but to my surprise, he doesn't. I look over to Masky in confusion and then I feel a hug. A large, loving hug from my father.

I smile, "Dad are you okay?"

He hugs me and gives a relieved sigh, "I'm so glad it's him. I'm so glad you're getting married to him and not some jerk who doesn't respect you." He sets me down and turns to Masky, "I swear to God Masky, if you fuck this up I'm going to fuck you up. But you have my blessing until then." He turns back around and sits down in his recliner.

I awkwardly smile at everyone else in the room who seem equally happy that my dad didn't kill Masky on the spot. I clear my throat and continue, "So that lady had you all under a trance and she used you guys to try and kill me so that she could consume my powers. Oh and Jeff I took your knife so that you'd stop. Fucking. Cutting. Me."

Jeff rolls his eyes and I throw his knife at him, missing his head by an inch and digging it into the wall. Everyone turns to do their own thing as Jeff struggles to get his knife out of the wall. I smile and tug on Masky's hand,

"Hey I wanna talk to you."

He nods and we go into my little secret room and I lock the door behind me, just to be sure that no one walks in on us. Masky turns to face me and tilts his head in question,

"What did you wanna talk about?"

I smile and bite my lip, "Just so you know, getting married at such a young age is kinda frowned upon in the normal world."

He shrugs, "I'm not sure if you noticed but we're not exactly normal."

I laugh, "It's also not common to propose after only knowing someone for a year and a half."

He pulls me close to him and tilts my head up to meet his gaze, "I knew I wanted to be with you through everything, and I know that we'll get through everything. I couldn't wait any longer to be with you forever."

I feel my face get warm as he leans in for a kiss that I had been longing for. Our kiss doesn't end and we get carried away, allowing our desires to take over.

I wake up on the couch completely naked and snuggled in Masky's bare chest. I kiss his chest and then sneak out of his arms. I start to stand up to put my clothes on and a sharp pain goes through my chest. I fall over but Masky catches me, I guess I didn't really sneak out of his arms well enough to keep him asleep. I stand up and lean against him, my breaths getting deeper and more difficult to take. Masky sits me down on the couch and helps me get dressed.

"It's hard to breathe," I say quietly, focusing all my efforts on every breath.

He looks at me and sighs, "Well I guess you'll just have to rest it out."

I start to stand up, putting all my force on the couch to help me stand, "Nah, I'm fine. I don't need a break at all!"

He puts on his shirt and shakes his head, "You're gonna fall."

I lift my hand off of the couch and begin to walk over to the door that leads to my room, "No look at me! I'm walking."

"You look like an awkward penguin or something."

I slip and fall but Masky is there to catch me again, "Thanks"

He walks me to my bed and sits me down, "You should rest up, at least for today."

I rolls my eyes, "Fine, but you've gotta go get me a pizza. I'm hungry."

He takes a deep breath and then smiles, "Oh course, Dear," he heads for the door and then stops and turns around, "Oh but please for the love of Jesus high and almighty, do not jump out this window or go on another adventure. If you do I swear to that sweet baby Jesus's father I will never leave your side to buy you food ever again."

I laugh a little and then hold out my pinky, "I pinky promise that I won't move from this room until you get back."

He comes over and kisses my head, "I'll be back in 20 minutes tops."

I smile as he walks out the door and I'm left by myself in my boring room. I sigh and lay down, laying down makes the breathing easier but there's nothing to do. I hold my hand in front of me and study the little silver ring that sits on my ring finger. It's a simple small ring with small diamonds in the shape of a tiny flower. It shines in the light and I smile, I'm lucky to have my best friend love me so much that he wants to marry me. I look out my window, the curtains moving with the wind and think about how far I've come and how much I've changed in the past year and a half. I sit myself up and manage to get myself to the window to look out. I take in the fresh air and the beautiful surroundings. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I take it out and answer it to hear its Masky,

"Hey," I answer.

"Get away from that window missy," He says in the most mother like tone.

"What do you mean, I'm not by the window," I step away from the window and throw myself back on my bed.

"Surrrrrrrrreeeee, my sources say otherwise."

"Okay well if you come into my room right at this moment, I am laying on my bed and nowhere near my window."

He sigh, "Okay well I'm on my way back, please don't do anything crazy."

I laugh and hang up. Does he know who he's talking to? All I do is crazy. I roll over onto my stomach and as if on cue my phone buzzes again but this time it's Mikaela,


"Hey so there's a problem," She says as she catches her breath.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I need you in Rome ASAP or else the world could come to an end."

I hesitate and then bite my lip, "Can I leave in like 10 minutes? I'm waiting for something, uh, super important. Like the world will be in greater trouble if I don't have it."

"Just get here as soon as you possibly can."

I hang up and lay on my side waiting for Masky to get home, apparently I don't get to rest today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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