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(Jay's POV)

"No.... I'm waiting for Chris..." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Mrs. Brown, we have to deliver the baby." One of the nurses said as I shook my head no.

"Chris promised me that he would be there when I delivered Jace. Since he's in surgery, I could wait. I'm not being put under until I know that Chris is stable and he's okay." I said as my doctor walked in.

"What's the hold up?" She asked as they were preparing to take me to the O.R.

"She won't deliver until she knows that Chris is okay." Shay said as she grabbed my hand.

"Jay---" The Doctor said as I turned my attention to her.

"I know that you're probably thinking I'm crazy. But, I'm not. Chris promised me that when I gave birth, he would be here with me. So, since he's not physically here, I need to know that he's doing good. Then, y'all can take Jace out of me." I said as A.J butted in.

"So, the faster we get a good update, the faster we can get Jay into the O.R." She said as a smile came to my face.

The doctors laughed at us.

"You've really got some ride or die friends." She said as I shook my head agreeing.

"Fine, I'll go up to the O.R and I'll get you a report. But, promise me that when I get back we can get Jace out of you. He's ready to come out and I'm sure he wants to meet his mommy." She said as I shook my head yes and everybody smiled at me.

"Where is he!? Where's Chris!? Where is my son!!?" Mama Joyce yelled out as she came bursting in the room.

"Ma'am he's in surgery!" A doctor said as he tried to calm her down.

"He's in surgery ma! They're working on him! I know he's gonna be fine!" I semi-yelled as I tried to help calm her down.

Next thing you know, my mom busted in the room with the guys.

"There are too many of you in here!" I heard one the doctors yell as I closed my eyes and I laid my head back on the bed.

There is so much happening at once.

(Chris' POV)

"It's okay ma... everything is gonna be alright." I heard a teenage boy say as he rubbed on Jay's back.

Who is this?

"I know Jace... I just... I miss him so much. You can't just move on from something like that." She said as she started wiping the tears from her eyes.

That's my son... he looks so much older.

"But, you know dad tried and the doctors did everything they could." He said as he held her.

"I know they did... I just want my husband back. I want you to have your father in your life Jace. All because of my stupid mistakes, that's why he's dead. If I never messed with that man in the first place, then there wouldn't be any vengeance involved." She said as my shadow approached the two.

Jace looks just like me, but he has his mother's complexion and her eyes... a beautiful sight.

"Jay?" I said aloud, but for some reason they couldn't hear me.

"Mom, don't put this on yourself. You said that dad cheated." Jace said as I placed both of my cold hands on top of my head.

"Jace... that doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I had no business messing with Luke after that. I can't believe he messed up what was supposed to be the best day of my life... my wedding day." She said as she sniffled.

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