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(Chris' POV)

I kneeled down to tie my shoe and I heard yelling.

"CHRIS!!! MOVE OUT THE WAY!" I heard Jay scream from behind me. I stood up and turned my attention to her, then I looked at the street in front of me. A fast car was coming right at me. The car didn't even have headlights on so I didn't see it. I wanted to run, but I felt like it was too late. I tried to brace myself, but I felt myself being pushed to the side of the curb aggressively.

"Ahhhhh!" I groaned out in pain because of the fall. I rolled over on my back and I heard screams from people. I looked at my arm and it was scratched up bad. Then, I got worried...


(August's POV)

I heard a loud bang I looked ta' see Chris on tha' curb groaning.

"Man what the....." I said aloud as I walked towards the street. Then, I heard screams. My little sister's body was layin lifeless on the ground in front of the car.

"Awwwww nawww Jayyyy!! No no no no!!" Shay said running to Jay's body.

My sister just got hit by a car man.....

A guy got out of the passenger's seat and looked ta' see what happened.

"Jacob!?" Shay cried out.

"Shay?? What's going on? Who got hit!" Jacob said running to the front of the car.

"Did she just say Jacob!?" Red asked getting heated. When I heard that name, I was ready to go off.

"SOMEBODY CALL 911!!" A woman yelled out from the sidewalk. People started running to the scene. I walked up and pulled Jacob by his shirt and I pushed him into the car.

"You just hit my sister man!!" I yelled in his face as he tried to avoid it.

"Gimme a reason not to shoot you right here right nah... You just messed wit the wrong crew." Red said walking up and showing Jacob his gun.

Trey ran out to the street to help.

"Man I ain't the one who was drivin!! I wanna help Jay! Just please let me help!" He yelled out. I let him go and I looked at the driver. I was ready to kill somebody right about now. I'm from Nola n we don' play when it comes down ta' family.

(Chris' POV)

I got up and I saw people in a circle in front of the car.

"Jay?" I asked aloud cause I didn't see her. I made my way to the circle and Shay looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I looked down and saw my baby girl laid out on the ground bloodied up.

"Nooooooo! Nooooo! Baby please no!" I dropped to my knees and I pulled her body in my arms. There was so much going on and tears just came rushing out of my eyes like a waterfall.

"Mannnn somebody call 911!!" Shay cried out.

"This is my baby! Jay I can't lose you! Please don't leave me like this!" I cried out. I couldn't cope with the idea of losing her. She was my everything.

"Aye who did this! Get out da car!" August yelled out walking to the driver's side.

"Oh no.... Is she gonna be okay? I'm right here man." A guy said walking up to the crowd and talking to me.

"Who are you?" I asked with tears still in my eyes. I was pissed off.

"Jacob... Who are you?" When I heard the name.. I went crazy and I handed Jay to Shay. I stood up on my feet and punched him straight in his nose.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!"

Was all I heard from people breaking up our fight.

"Man what the heck is yo problem?!" Jacob yelled at me.

"My problem is that my girl just got hit by a car and you just magically appeared!! Did you do this!? Man this bouta be the last time you see anything!" I said charging towards him, but August and some more people were talking me down.

He touched his nose with his finger and blood was dripping.

"Man I wasn't even driving... My girlfriend was.. I'm sorry. I care about her as much as you." Jacob said as I snatched away from the people and I kneeled back down to the ground.
I was literally about to break down taking Jay back in my arms.

"We called them help is on the way... Hang in there Hun." A woman came up and kneeled down next to us.

We all heard a car door slam closed as a body got out the driver's side. Everybody was waiting for the woman to get out. August was standing right there.

"Malorie!? You did this to my sister!! I'm bouta tear you up!" Shay said getting up and running towards Malorie.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to-----" Malorie said as Shay threw punches. Trey and Aug had to pry Shay off of her.

I heard sirens blaring in the distance. Her eyes were closed and blood was all over my clothes.

"Malorie did this?!!" I asked raising my voice and looking at her. When she saw my facial expression, she had a scared look on her face.

"Yeah.. You better be scared. Jay baby I got you. I promised you that I would always be here. I love you." I said shedding more tears and holding her to me.

"Don't you see what you did!? I told you to slow down!" Jacob yelled at Malorie as she tried to cover up her face. I wanted to hurt that girl so bad.

People I didn't even know were rubbing my back and telling me everything was gonna be okay. She pushed me outta the way to save my life. She did this for me. I should've been the one to get hit.

"Here comes the ambulance!" Red yelled out as the truck pulled over. Paramedics rushed out of the vehicle and they grabbed the stretcher.

"What happened!?" One of the workers asked.

"Whatchu mean what happened? My girl just got hit by a car man." I said wiping my tears. They took her from my arms and the laid her on the stretcher.

"I'm riding with y'all. Man I should kill you." I said as the loaded her inside and walking towards Malorie.

"No no no Chris just go! Chris we gone meet you there! Be with Jay... We got this back here." Red and August said holding me back and pushing me towards the ambulance.

"I got you later... Mark my words..." I said pointing to her and hopping into the back of the ambulance.

People were surrounding the ambulance and people were giving Malorie the most ugly looks. She deserved it. I assumed that Trey and Red were taking her Jag because they grabbed her purse and took the car keys out. August was holding onto Shay because she couldn't stop crying.

All of this was just too much for me. They closed the doors and the sirens started again. I looked down at her and she had on a breathing mask. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Sir what are you to her? Her name is Jay right?" The paramedic asked while he was setting up an IV.

"Yes... Im her boyfriend... About to be her fiancé soon. Is she gonna be alright?" I asked looking down at her.

"We aren't sure yet... She had a hard fall. But, we're gonna do everything we can."

I hate that line... "We're gonna do everything we can" because I'm afraid. I need her in my life. I cannot believe that she took the hit for me. I love this girl with everything that's in me. What would I do without her?


Thanks for reading! 🤐

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