Part 13

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Chapter thirteen

      Marcus and Jamari sat inside the club next to the kid from next door. Nick open up his lab top , and Jamari gave him a odd look as nick began to type fast on his Mac book. Nick ended charging him $200, which wasn't close to being bad. Marcus just know , it was a step closer on finding them niggas first.

Jamari clear his throat, and lean back on Marcus to tell him something. "Sooo....this weird ass nigga helping us how?" Jamari whispered making Marcus chuckled.

Nick shook his head. "I can still hear you ya know." Nick said pushing up his glass without taking his eyes off the computer.

"I don't give a fuck." Jamari mouthed behind his back, making Marcus bust out laughing.

"Quit man." Marcus said pushing Jamari. "....So you found the footage?" Marcus asked Nick, as Nick took a deep breath from all this pressure he was receiving.

"I'm trying to upload the software, I haven't really done this in a while. It's going go take me a minute to import it to my computer. We really haven't had much going on in our neighborhood in a while. But it's going to take a few days to find it. You said this happen in October 12th right?" Marcus slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah." He mumble.

"Well, that was over thirty days ago. It's now November. It's going to take a while, this is twenty four hour footage dude." Jamari shook his head.

"This computer came out last year, you can't rewind it or some shit??" Nick smack his lips facing him.

"Hmmm,I don't know genius, was my computer capturing the footage??? My dad install these cameras a long time ago. This camera old as hell. I told you we barley look at this footage. We barley take out the SIM card." Nick said while shaking his head. When he tried rewinding it , it went really slow.

"Alright bra, watch who you getting smart with. I'm not yo bitch ass friend." Jamari spat before sucking teeth. Marcus smack his lips, pushing him back.

"Shut up man."

Jamari shook his head. "But bro, these shipments come all eleven tonight. Plus we need to get this kid home." Jamari spoke on a more serious note. Marcus agreed with him, they had important business to handle if they wanted their business blooming.

"Yeah, so I need another favor Nick. We need to get going , so I'll pay you more if you can cut out October 12th, and 13th footage. Because it happen late at night. But I don't know what time. So those exact date just to be on the safe side."

Nick nodded his head. "That's fine with me, I have no social life anyways. BUT, I can't really cut it that short. The shortest I can cut and put onto a hard drive is about a week worth of footage. It's better than nothing. " Nick said keeping his eyes glued to the screen.

Marcus sighed.

"Alright, have it done by tomorrow I guess. I hope you ain't plan nun Jamari." Jamari frown as Marcus stood up.

"Actually, I did. Plus I need to talk to you bra." Marcus frown , Nick stood up gathering his stuff paying them no attention.

"What? I thought you said you were going to help me?" Marcus asked

"I am dude, but this important."

Marcus smack his lips. "What nigga?"

Jamari smiled showing his dimples while rubbing his hands together. " you know one of yo strippers Beauty?" Marcus frowned stopping dead at his tracks.

"Yeah of course nigga, she's my striper. why?" Jamari smirk.

"Well, I took ha out on a date and....." Marcus cracked up laughing.

"Beauty? The brown skinned one , average height , small???"  Jamari nodded his head.

"The one and only." He cheesed.

"On a date???"

Jamari frown. "Yeah nigga problem?"  Jamari said sizing him up.

Marcus chuckled. "Nun, I just can't believe you pulled that. Shawty bad as fuck , and you pulled her? I can't even pull her ass." Jamari sucks his teeth.

"You ha boss dumb ass." Marcus shrug. "So, I fucked every stripper here except her ass. Now you telling me you took and out and shit." Jamari followed Marcus , as they headed to towards the basement of the strip club.

"Well she ain't like that. Plus I'm the sexiest thing walking on earth . If anything you need to take notes. But I'm really feeling ha, she different." Marcus scoff while fanning her off.

"Any nigga that's pussy whip says that she's different shit. She a stripper, your not suppose to wife these bitches here." Jamari frown , while shaking his head.

"Everybody got their reason on why they do certain shit. Stop judging people, and actually get to know somebody. That's why yo ass will always be lonely , having bitches in and out ain't so fun once in a while. You damn near twenty five , get out of that little boy stage."  Jamari preached , as Marcus shook his head not paying him any attention. Fucking multiple bitches was fun to Marcus. Marcus couldn't settle down, at least now. He was still young and living life.

Plus Marcus had too much shit to worry about especially if he wants his business blooming.

That nigga just in his feeling Marcus thought while unlocking the volt.

Just an extra chap I had to add.

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