Part 12

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Chapter twelve

             Amber closed the door and Sebastian sighed as she held up a piece of paper.  Sebastian and Amber was out on their usual meetings , and Sebastian prayed she found out more information . Amber sighed as she scan the piece of paper.

"Okay." She started. "I found three guys name Jock that has felonies. I also have their images so hopefully you find which one , and I can try and pull up more informations. But here's the names."

Jock Taylor
Jock Lavine
Jock King

Amber read out loud, she handed him the there images she printed out with their names on it.

Sebastian look at the first picture which was Jock Taylor and shook his head. "That's not him." He mumble. He look at the second one that look kinda like jock from what he remember when he'll be at the trap with his dad , and he'll come through.

"Nah." He said shaking his head, and look at the last one squinting his eyes.

"Hell yeah, this that bastard right here." Sebastian said smiling while handing her the sheet. "Do you know what he got convicted for?"

She look at her other sheet quickly scanning it.

"Uh, it says for domestic violence, battery assault , and armed robbery in 2006." I shook my head.

"They found all that shit , but not any murders. Wow okay." Sebastian said mumbling the last part.

"Okay, now my computer only look up ex felonies. But I can try the best way I can. All I can find is basic information." Sebastian slowly nodded his head, but then remembered about Marcus brother. He remember Marcus telling him that he  was a detective a while back.

"Matter of fact, I know somebody who's a detective. You gotta pen?" She nodded , and pull a pen out.

"Damn, you know a lot of people to be in jail since you was sixteen." Amber chuckle, making Sebastian laugh.

"My dad said always be friendly and meet new people, never know who you might meet or find out about somebody."

"I'll keep that in mind kid."

Sebastian quickly grab it and jotted down at number on the paper.

"Call this number, this my boy Marcus. Tell him you work for me, and tell him to set up a meeting with his brother soon. I'm pretty sure he can look up shit about him." Amber nodded taking the paper.

"He should be calling me in the  morning so I'll tell him you'll be calling." Amber nodded , and smile.

"I bet you can't wait for me to get out huh?" Amber slightly laugh.

"Nah, I like working for you."

Sebastian snap his fingers. "Oh yeah, and I'll remind Marcus to put your money in your bank account. Hopefully it be in by Saturday." Amber nodding.

"Alright, come on inmate 6601137."

Sebastian chuckle. "Yeah keep playing Ma."

The next morning , Sebastian sat down his plate of food he been eating for a for twelve years. Sebastian couldn't wait till he start eating Amber home cooked meals. Amber promise when he get out , he can crash at her place until he get on his feet. He open his apple juice she got for him , and chugged it down after eating they dry ass pancakes with barley syrup on it.

Raymond spotted Sebastian , and made his way over to him. He sat his plate in front of him , giving him a heads nod.

"Damn, yo family must love you. Stay sending you money, What's that a muffin and apple juice?" Sebastian chuckle while eating his cardboard eggs.

"Some like that." Sebastian shrugged. "Yo family don't send you shit?"

Raymond shook his head. "My family won't even call me, my momma basically said I'm a disappointment. But my girl, send me money every month."

"Yo girl? She still holing you down even though you have life ....." Raymond sighed.

"I ain't mean-"

"Nah." He said cutting him off. "I have to face the fact soon. But uh, I broke up with her even though she didn't want to. But she a female , and they need their needs. So I know she found her a nigga by now."

"Damn." I mumble. "Y'all still talk though right? You took life for her?" Raymond nodded his head.

"Yeah..she write me all the time. Send me picture of my baby girl." Raymond said with a chuckle.  "But we talk twice a week since my baby girl talking now." Sebastian nodded his head feeling bad for him, but also knew how it felt. But this nigga will never see daylight again."

"How old is your baby girl?" Sebastian asked being curious.

"She's two, turning three I'm January. Her names Bria...." Sebastian laughed to himself thinking at how Armani use to always name her dolls Bria.

"What's funny?" Raymond asked.

"Uh nah, just a random thought. My deceased baby sister use to name her baby dolls that name...."

"damn man, what happen to her?" At first Sebastian didn't want to open up to him about his family. But Raymond did on a tough subject.

"Somebody came and killed my family the night I got lock up..." Raymond immediately shook his head.

"I know I shouldn't be saying shit , but the world is fuck up now days."

Sebastian agreed. "But you had to reason man...."

"Yeah, my girls ah always be in my heart." Sebastian nodded his head.

"Gotta keep them there man."

How you guys feel about Raymond and Sebastian getting close ?

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