Part 1: OPEN

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Chapter one: That night


Armani heard a loud bang at the door awakening her up from her sleep. She looked at her younger sister,  she was three years older to be exact , and slid out of her bed silently as she reached for the prepaid phone her older brother Sebastian left for whenever there's trouble. Another loud bang scared her as she jump, and heard her little sister Kehlani moan as she woke out of her sleep.

  "Armani...armani!" Lani cried out , making Armani turn sharply around quickly stoping her little sister from making any noises.

"...Lani I'm quiet." She tip toe back to her bed and grabbed Lani pulling her into her arms.

"Lani , stay here. I'm going to see what's going on." She nodded as she stuck her thumb into her which had fallen into a bad habit. Armani stood up from the bed , and pick the phone back up. She hit one button on the key paid , that was speed dial to Sebastian number.

Armani opened the door , and peeped out. She slightly closed it back once she heard loud deep voices that weren't her parents.

"Shut the fuck up! Where's the money?" A deep yelled making Armani frown. Armani step out the room and sneak her way towards the living from where all the commotion was coming from.

Armani couldn't believe her eyes.

Armani watched as three men in black ski mask held up large guns towards her parents. Armani gasp before quickly covering her mouth.

"Man Jock...why you doing this? That's my w-wife." Armani daddy stuttered as the tallest man held her mommy into a head lock with a gun pointing at her head. Armani was only ten years old , she didn't know what to do. She pull out the prepaid phone and hit the number 2 , then the call button.

"Mommy??" The men looked up , and Armani quickly turn around to see Kehlani right  behind her scared bring attention to them.

"N-no babies , go back into the room!" Armani mom yelled making one of the men run towards them. Armani quickly  ran grabbing Kehlani making her fall. By time Armani tried to help her up, he kicked on onto the ground roughly picking up Kehlani.

"No, leave her alone!" Armani shout. The man grabbed Kehlani by her hair making her cry making Armani furious . Armani heard a distinctive voice called out.

"Hello....hello! , Armani can you hear me?" Armani look down at the phone that she wasn't aware she drop. Before she could pick it her the man step on the phone breaking it into pieces.

"Aye, you got one of dem kids?" A man called out to the other man holding Kehlani.

He nodded not saying a word.

"Good, cause these niggas are dead." Armani heard a gun being fired off making her jump with her eyes burning.

Then another one.

An another one.


"MOMMYYY!" Kehlani  cried out as she tried to squirm her way out of his grasp. She but him in his face , and he drop her making him scream into pain.

"Kehlani NO!" Armani yelled out , and another gun shot ranged out.


Armani heart drop as she watched her little sister fall onto the ground. Her eyes burned as she stared at her dead family. She felt someone yank on her hair.

"Stop! Please leave me alone! Please." Armani cried out.

Armani cried hard as the pulled her dragging her by her dead family.


She felt something bang onto her head knocking her out cold.

Sebastian hit the gas petal speeding trying to make it to his parent house as fast as he could. Sebastian was only sixteen, but he drop out of high school and began selling drugs like it was candy. Sebastian already knew something was wrong when he heard loud voices from the phone.

But before he could jump on the highway , flashing red and blue lights appeared behind him.

"Fuck!" He yelled, not only was he in a rush to save his family. He remember the drugs , and two hidden guns he had inside his truck. Everything was going bad.

Sebastian knew he had to pull over, maybe they'll give him a ticket and let him be. Sebastian couldn't send the police to the house , because he'll get his father lock up.

But Sebastian was wrong.

Sebastian pulled over , and quickly rolled the window to get the smell of weed out of the car. He placed his seatbelt on , and waited for the officer to walk up to him.

Moments later , the officer got out the car and slowly walked towards the door.

He flashed the bright light in his face , and sighed once he saw it was a white cop.

"Sir, do you know how fast-" he paused for a moment and frown.

"Step out the car please." Sebastian smack his lips , and undid the seatbelt getting out.

"What's wrong now? I know I was speeding damn." Sebastian said mumbling the last part.

"Please be quite, and put your hands on the car and face it." The officer grab his hands , and placed the hand cuffs behind his back.

"Fuck.....fuck....fuck." Sebastian mumble. The officer began to pat him down , and stop once he felt something in his pocket. He placed his inside his pocket , pulling out two dubs of weed and his phone.

"You know weed is illegal in the state of Illinois?" Sebastian slowly nodded his head.

"Step to the side please." Sebastian scooted over , and began searching through his car. Sebastian just hoped his didn't check the truck. But he was out of luck when he hit the truck button inside popping the truck open. He went to the truck , and knew at the moment he fucked up.

He waited for a few moments , and heard the officer speak on the walkie talkie.

"We have a ahh....258, please send back up."


Lmao! I don't know police codes , so bare with me y'all

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