SCMAnex A Cats' Play Toy 11

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Stevens point of view

"Do you get flustered around him?"

Well, yes, but...

"Does your heart skip a beat when he touches you?"

Y-yeah but, he always surprises me, that's why...

I woke up early just for this? These are such generic questions though, there's no way it could be true!

"Your result- LOVE!
You definitely love him, without a doubt! Your self esteem is holding you back though, let it go!"

Ugg, that's what every test is saying... These are so vague they can't be 100% true. Right? I mean, these tests are made for girls anyway, it can't be the same for a guy. Nope, it's definitely no-

"Steven? Why are you up so early?"

Crap crap crapcrap, I manage to successfully close the window without him noticing. He's not as perceptive in the morning...

"uh, I was just, playing some games," I stutter, a feeble attempt at a lie.

"Nothing's open on the computer..." He retorts with a yawn.
"That's 'cause I just finished," I awkwardly chuckle, trying to detour his attention, but regretfully it feels out of place. Kevin just shrugs before exiting the room, motioning for me to follow. As I walk to the doorway he sneaks up on me from around the corner in a surprise attack. His lips attacking mine with force, his eyes full of lust as the kiss ends. He doesn't wait long before going back for more. My hands rest on his chest but lack the will power to push him away. His hands are positioned at my waist, pressing our body's together. He pulls away slowly, studying my flushed face.

"...More..." I say in hushed tone, entranced.

"Ah! I-I mean, we need, uh, we need more uh soda! Yeah, uh, I'll go run to the store and get some!" I try to untangle myself from his arms but he doesn't let me.

"You need to be more honest," He breaths in my ear, sending a chill of excitment down my body.

-Authors Note-

YESSS!!! I managed to get this done! I know it's short, but it proves I'm not dead right? There will be more soon, by like, less then a week. I swear. This part is dedicated to reforming friendships. Thank you for reading and being patient!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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