SCMAnex A Cats' Play Toy Ch. 3

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-Stevens' point of view-

We are arriving at Denver Colorado, I repeat, we are arriving...

"Wake up Kevin," I whisper, shaking him awake. He yawn and stretches  bumping into other people on the bus. If his ears didn't earn us enough attention  his lack of respect for other peoples space sure did. We walk off the bus and start looking for a phone. Eddie gave me his phone number and told me to call him when I got here, but I'm not too sure anymore. Maybe I should just rent a hotel room? No... I don't have enough money. Well, there's no turning back now. 

I take a deep breath and dial the number. It rings twice before he picks it up.

"Hello?" Eddie asks. Huh, I was half expecting it to be pizza ranches number. Oh wouldn't that be wonderful.

"Hey, this is Steven," I start, "I'm at the bus station on main street."

"Cool, I'll be right there, see ya' then," He says before hanging up. I sigh and step away from the phone. Three other guys huh, wounder what they're like. Wounder what he's like. Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and it's a Latino guy, looking maybe 5 years older then me.

"Steven?" He asks.

"Yeah, Eddie?" I ask, he nods and a huge smile spreads across his face. Hey, he isn't a 40-year-old-pervert! That's something to be happy about. 

"Erm, you didn't say your friend would be cosplaying..." He says, gesturing to Kevin. 

"Yeah, I didn't either," I sigh, Kevin gives me a confused look but I shrug it off. 

"Well, are we going to leave or just stand here all day?" He giggles, something about him is just inviting. Like if you were a villain you would tell him your evil mastermind plot without realizing it, just because he was so friendly. 

We make idle chit chat in the car, until we reach a fancy looking house. Not exactly a mansion, but still pretty classy. 

"We're here," He states, pulling into the drive way. I fidget a bit before leaving the car. How will his house mates react? Do they hate me already  Four guys living in a house, and then adding two more. Though the house does look spacious, I can't help but wounder. Eddie doesn't seem to notice my hesitation, and traipses right in, pulling me along. Kevin swipes Eddies’ hand off me as soon as he can, looking a bit peeved off. Again, Eddie doesn't notice, which might actually be a good quality.

            Three heads turn from the living room twords us.

            “Hey Sly,” One with shaggy hair and hipster-ish glasses says. “I see you brought home Steven.” Eddie nods energetically  seeming happy with himself. I don’t really know what to say, I guess he’s talked about me, so should I still introduce myself? I guess Kevin notices my awkwardness.

            “I’m Kevin by the way,” Kevin greets, giving a small wave to them.

            “Yeah, Sly’s talked about you,” Another one snaps. Great, he already doesn't like me. He has tanned skin, with short black hair.

            “Shutup James,” Eddie spits. He rolls his eyes and focuses his attention back on the Tv. “Oh right, that’s James, the one with the derp hair is Seamus, and that’s Dan,” e gestures to the guy that has been quiet. He smiles but doesn't say anything. I smile back, he seems friendly, but not overly friendly like Eddie.

            “I’ll show you to your room! We only planned on one person moving in with us, but I think we can make room for Kevin….” Eddies’ voice trails off in a thoughtful tone.

            “That’s fine, we can share a room,” Kevin smirks.

            “Are you guys,” Eddie starts wiggling his eyebrows, “Together?”

            “No!” I blurt, my face beet red. Eddie giggles and Kevin grins. We stop at a door at the end of a hallway, before Eddie opens it. Inside is a nice looking room, one bed, game posters decorating the walls.

            “You’ll have to share a bed…” He pauses for a giggle, “Hope you don’t mind.”

            “Not at all,” Kevin laughs, I continue to blush. Well hey, looks like Kevin’s making friends.

            “So have you two, gone all the way?” Eddie giggles.

            “We’re not together!” I state, at least, I don’t think so. He’s my cat, of course not!

            “Not yet, but I want to,” Kevin smirks, making me blush even more. He’s doing it on purpose.

            “Well I’ll leave you two at it,” Eddie giggles before leaving the room. I feel slightly sad he’s leaving, partly because he’s so happy and cheerful  and because being alone with Kevin is kinda scary.

            “I’m tired,” Kevin sighs, plopping down on the bed. I’m slightly taken back by this, doesn't he normally try things when we’re alone? Wait, what am I thinking, this is a good thing! I’m kinda tired too, so I’ll take the floor. I steal one of the pillows form the bed, and position myself.

            “Sleep with me,” Kevin whines, looking down at me from the bed. Of course, that’s what he was thinking.

            “No thanks, I’m fine down here,” I retort, though it’s significantly cold here on the floor. His embrace is really warm…

            “Please? I promise I won’t try anything, I can’t sleep without you,” He pleads, he looks serious…. I sigh.

            “…Alright,” I sigh, climbing into the bed with him. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist, yeah, saw this coming. I’m too tired to care, and it’s much warmer and more comfortable in his arms. I slowly drift to sleep, listening to his rhythmic heart beat.

-Next Morning-

            As I wake I see a figure looming over me. Kevin, pinning me down. Oh no, not this again.

            “Kevin, what are you-“ I stop mid-sentence, seeing his devilish smirk.


-Authors Note-

OK! Cutting it REALLY close here, but it's still today! I'm sorry this is uploaded sooooo late! My friend kidnaped me so I had to hijack her computer, which, sucks. But, none the less, I got it done! With a really awesome cliffhanger and everything! KK, thanks for reading, and leave a comment below! Bye <3

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