Chapter 1

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Hello guys! I'm starting a new White x N story. At first I couldn't decide to keep her name Touko from the Japanese version or not but I decided on White. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the story and please review or PM! I love feedback and constructive criticism is also appreciated so I can become better. (I posted this story on one other site so yes this is me and not some copy cat lol)

At the beginning of their final battle at his castle, N couldn't have been more sure of his ideals. Pokemon and people are better off separated. After all, he thought that he wouldn't have gotten this far and gained the favor of the legendary Pokemon Reshiram if his ideals weren't what the world should be shaped into.

But, White had also gained the favor of the legendary Zekrom, and her ideals were completely different than his. But he wanted to show her and the world how it should be. He wanted his Pokemon friends to be free of the abuse many trainers inflicted upon their Pokemon and he wanted them to have the ability to roam free like they were supposed to before trainers captured them and treated them like slaves for battle and power. He had heard one too many Pokemon cry in pain while in battle as their trainers forced them to do their bidding. N was included in this, and it broke his heart each time his beloved Pokemon were injured in battle in the war for Pokemon liberation. But he hoped his Pokemon friends would be able to hold out a little longer so they could assure the future happiness of all other Pokemon so they could finally be free. If his team brought him victory, he knew he would release them so they could finally be free too. He hated using his team but it was the only way he could in order to free Pokemon once and for all.

Sure, a few times N had doubted his ideals a bit. But only when it came to White. When she battled with her Pokemon against him, her Pokemon were so happy to be fighting for her. He heard their thoughts of enjoyment and excitement for the battle, and he heard their determination they had in order to please their trainer they loved so much. He had thought to himself a few times that he wouldn't mind too much if all trainers were like White.

But it wasn't a perfect world. Most of the trainers abused their Pokemon and pushed them above their limits in order to satisfy themselves and assert power. They didn't care about their Pokemon and used them as tools. Some of the Pokemon owned by trainers yearned for escape and release, but would always be sucked back into their prison of a Pokeball. N had heard their thoughts of despair as they were forced to go back into their ball and their yearning cries to be free echoed in his mind as reminded him of his mission again. He felt sorry for White, she was a truly magnificent trainer who treated her Pokemon well. But he thought that even White with her Pokemon whom she had a deep relationship with would probably be better off in nature where they belonged.

The battle between White and N rages on in the castle, and they were evenly matched at first. He had smirked at her, knowing his determination and ideals couldn't be beaten. After all, he thought his ideal was truly in the right place. She wanted Pokemon to be continued to be imprisoned by trainers and she wanted Pokemon to continue to battle and fight. Although she was a strong and determined girl, he believed his love for Pokemon would allow him to triumph in victory.

However, their battle began to go downhill for N. With his first few moves, he thought he had the advantage, but he was dead wrong. He had simply gotten lucky, and she was now decimating his Pokemon friends he loved so much. They fainted, one by one, falling over with a whimper of apology to N as they blacked out.

I'm sorry, Lord N. I am not strong enough... Zoroark collapses onto the ground, heaving and fighting to stay awake after he had just received a big attack from White's Pokemon.

N rushed to his fainting Zoroark and held him in his arms.

"Don't be sorry, you did all you could..." N whispers to his fallen friend as Zoroark faints in his arms.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now