Chapter Twenty Six:

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The next few days were quite uneventful. I spent most of the day rehearsing for the upcoming audition because I had a determination inside of me to do well.

I saw Hunter a few times, but we were only passing in the hallway. We would sometimes stop and have a conversation. At the end of every conversation, he would bend down and place a small kiss on my lips. That sent my stomach doing somersaults every time that happened.

I still wasn't sure exactly what Hunter and I were in terms of a relationship. We would hug and kiss as much as possible, but I still didn't know whether he was my boyfriend. I didn't want to go around saying that he was my boyfriend if he wasn't calling me his girlfriend... If that made any sense whatsoever. But I also didn't know whether he didn't think he needed to ask me whether I wanted to be his girlfriend. So, he just assumed I was.

Relationships were so new to me.

Ashley was no help either. Every time I asked her to shed some light on the situation, she would tell me to sit back and let it happen.

Stellar advice from my best friend there...

"There's your drink and there's your change." I smiled at the customer in front of me as I handed both items to her. She thanked me and turned around and exited the shop.

I glanced over at the clock that was on my left side and sighed. Not long until my shift was over and then I could go home and rehearse for my audition that was... Tomorrow.


I heard the ping of the bell near the door as someone entered the shop. I took a deep breath as I prepared to act overly happy and not exhausted at all. See, even having a performance background helped with a job as mundane as working in a cafe.

But when I saw who the customer was, I didn't even need to act happy as a huge grin took over my face without me allowing it to.

"Hi," Hunter grinned when he walked up to the counter.

It wasn't even a strange sight to see Hunter meeting me towards the end of my shift. He would try to meet me as much as possible, so we could walk back home together. But that didn't stop a huge grin from finding its way onto my mouth every time I saw him.

This was getting out of hand.

"Hey," I smiled. "What can I get you?"

"Oh, the usual." Hunter shrugged and looked at the clock that I had glanced at a minute before. "And I will wait here until you finish your shift."

I grinned at him and turned around to make him his usual order. I made his order quickly, and he sat in one of the booths after I had handed it to him. There he sat patiently, waiting for my shift to end.

When my shift finally ended, I ran into the back room and threw my apron into my locker. Then I grabbed my bag to head back out. When Hunter saw me walking towards him, he smiled and stood up. He discarded his empty cardboard cup into the nearby bin and made his way towards me. When he met me in the middle of the room, he held his hand out and I laced my fingers through his. And it was like that, we made our way out of the cafe.

We strolled towards our apartments, wanting to spend as much time together as we could. The short walk home would usually be the only time we would spend together on a regular basis. I was so busy preparing for my audition and he was in talks with his agent about new auditions coming up. Especially the audition for Once on Broadway, which I tried not to think about.

"So... audition tomorrow." Hunter started the conversation.

"Ugh," I groaned. Butterflies had erupted in my stomach at the thought of the audition tomorrow. "Don't remind me."

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