Chapter 41-Newt's leg:Part 3

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"Emmy! What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be resting." A familiar voice called out from behind me. Arms wrap around my waist and Newt rests his head on my shoulder.
"Hey Newt. Sooo are we going to finish the conversation we had earlier?" I say.
Newt sighs.
"Look, maybe later. Besides, you're still warm. Are you sure you feel okay? Maybe you should sit down." He said, pointing to one of the logs set around the fireplace.
"Newt, I know you're changing the subject, but fine." I said, rolling my eyes and sitting on the log next to us. Newt sat down next to me and stretched his legs out towards the fire.
"So, are you sure you're okay? the medjacks said you seemed sick, since you had a fever and klunk"
"No, I'm good. Besides, you have some explaining to do." I said, reaching out to Zart as he passed by and grabbing one of the jars he had in his hand. I took a sip and passed it to Newt. He took a sip of whatever the drink was, since I was never told, and glanced at the fire with an blank expression.
"Hey, Em, can we talk?" I heard behind me, and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Minho standing behind me. I nod and sit up a little straighter.
"Yeah, what's up?" I ask. Minho looks at Newt, who was drinking out of the jar, and then back to me.
"Um, ya know, I just want to talk a bit." He said, scratching the back of his neck. It clicked in my brain what he meant what Jeff had said earlier, how he was going to try to get Newt to tell me what happened.  I nod and shake Newt's shoulder a bit, snapping him out of his daze a little bit.
"Hey, I'll be back, I'm going to go talk with Minho for a bit, okay?" I said. Newt nodded.
"Yeah, okay. Be careful." He said. I nodded and kissed his cheek before standing up and walking over towards Minho. He threw his arm around my shoulder and walked me over to a nearby tree, far enough away from the fireplace that Newt wouldn't hear us.
"Do you know what we're doing?" Minho said quietly. I shook my head.
"Okay, so basically, Jeff thinks we should get Newt drunk. That's it. That's his whole shucking plan, but he thinks we should do it. So, um...he has a habit of drinking during the fight. It stresses him out or something because he doesnt want people to get hurt, so he drinks. I don't know klunk about this kind of thing." He said, rolling his eyes. I nodded.
"Why do you want to go through with this?" I asked. Minho scoffed.
"Isn't it obvious? Newt is so responsible, if we can get him drunk and acting weird, that'll be great blackmail for later on." He said. I laughed and nodded.
"Okay, so who's going to be fighting Gally?" I asked. Minho opened his mouth and paused.
"We...we didn't think about that part." He said quietly. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
"I'm not doing it. I passed out earlier, I'm not fighting Gally." I said, folding my arms across my chest. Minho shook his head.
"Well shuck, you're the only one that can beat him." He said. I smiled and shook my head.
"Find someone else." I said, pointing to the group of guys gathered around the fire. Minho frowned.
"Those losers? None of them can fight Gally. Maaaybe Alby but he doesn't fight. Frypan could probably if he tried, but he doesn't fight either. Maybe Paul? Nah...not Paul. James might stand a chance-" I held up my hand to stop him.
"You figure it out, or you're fighting him." I said. Minho raised one eyebrow.
"Well see, I would do that, but I need to be able to run tomorrow, so...." He hooked his thumbs through the straps of his runners pack. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Okay, got it. Just get someone to fight Gally, and I'll take care of Newt."
"Yup, you got it." Minho said, and we both walked back to the fire.

"GALLY! GALLY! GALLY! GALLY!" I heard shouting and look over to see a group forming around Gally and Josh.
"Oh shuck" I mutter under my breath and stand up, grabbing Newt's hand.
"Em? What's wrong?" He asks. I pull him over to the circle.
"Josh is gonna fight Gally." I said. Newt looked at me like I was insane.
"So? What's the problem?" He asked.
"Newt, Josh is a kid. He can't be older than 14, and he's tiny. He doesn't stand a chance against Gally." I said, yanking Newt through the crowd. I saw a familiar tuft of black hair and walked toward it, leaving Newt behind a bit.
"Minho, what kind of plan was this?" I hissed. He looked down at me and shrugged.
"This wasn't because of me, the fight just started. I was going to get Jack to fight Gally, but then this happened." He said. I groaned and pushed my way to the front of the group so I could see the fight. Gally kicked Josh's legs out from underneath him and the younger boy fell to the ground with a groan.
"Emmy? What's going on?" I heard
Newt ask when he finally found me again. I shook my head.
"Josh shouldn't be out there, Gally is going to kill him." I said quietly. Newt shook his head.
"Gally wouldn't do that." Newt said. I bit my lip and looked back out.
"I'm going to go fight Gally." I said. Newt shook his head quickly and grabbed my arm as I tried to walk out.
"What? No way. You passed out earlier, you're not going to fight him." He said sternly. I felt another tap on my shoulder and spun around to see Minho.
"Emmy, don't.  Gally doesn't even know that you passed out. He was too bust working with the builders to know, he won't go easy on you." Minho said. Newt nodded and I sighed.
"Guys, you don't get it. I can't let Josh get hurt." I said, shaking Newt's arm off of me and stepping into the circle before they could stop me. I hear the circle cheer as I pick Josh up off the ground. His lip is bleeding and his hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. Josh nodded slowly, but he was dazed. I sighed and handed him to Jeff and Clint.
"Check him for a concussion please." I said. They nodded and I stepped back towards Gally.
"Really, Gal? Josh? Out of all people you pick Josh?" I said. He shrugged.
"Hey, I was bored." He said. I rolled my eyes and he lunged at me. I ducked pretty easily and he went crashing into the sand.
"Gally you should know by now that doing that doesn't end well for you." I said. He stood up and dusted the sand off of his shirt.
"Whatever," He muttered, and tried to grab me again. I ducked under his arm and punched him in between the shoulder blades. My fist hit his back with a solid thud and he stumbled forward a bit. I could feel my heartbeat speed up, which it always does when I fight. It's like my body knows exactly what to do when I'm in danger, and I don't even have to think about it. Gally stood up taller and kicked my legs out from under me. I fell, crashing to the ground and hit my head on the sand underneath me. My vision swam in front of my eyes for a second, the feet of the boys surrounding me blurring together. I shook my head and felt my eyes focus.
"Ooh that looked bad"
"Ouch. Someone call a medjack"
"Emmy finally lost I guess."
I heard people mutter and sigh, and I shook my head again, clearing my thoughts. I stood back up and faced Gally.
"Okay, let's keep going, shank." He said. I nodded and put my hands in front of my face, guarding it. Gally dove at me again, and I ducked under his arm, grabbed his hand, and twisted it, making him flip over and land on his back in the sand. The crowd cheered and I took a deep breath, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.
"Nice takedown Emmy." Minho said, slinging his arm over my shoulder.
"Thanks Minho. I need to sit down now." I said. He nodded and helped me make my way through the crowd.
Newt grabbed onto my arm.
"Emmy? What was that?" He said, worry seeping through his voice.
"I don't know. I wasn't thinking." I muttered, sitting on a log as the crowd slowly goes back to their chatting around the fire.  Minho and Newt sat on the ground in front of me.
"Well obviously you weren't thinking. He smashed your head into the bloody ground." Newt said, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Well, she took him down pretty quickly. I'd say that was a win." Minho added. Newt glared at him and he shrugged.
"Just saying." He said quietly. I nodded and rubbed the side of my head. Newt looked at me and sighed.
"Are you okay?" He said, his face softening. I nodded slowly. He stood up and sat next to me.
"Look to the side." He said, putting one hand around my ear. I looked to the left and he nodded.
"Other way." He said. I looked to my left, towards Minho, who smiled a bit.
"Okay. You don't look like you have a concussion, so that's good. You had me so bloody worried, Emmy." He said, hugging me tightly.
"I'm okay." I said. My head started throbbing and I smiled at Newt.
"I want to go to bed now. My head hurts." Minho and Newt looked at each other and then me before they both nodded.
"Okay. You probably should anyways" Minho said. Newt nodded.
"Okay. I'll walk you back. Let's go."

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