Chapter 19-Something's wrong

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I woke up the next morning, still in Newt's arms. My head felt foggy, but I figured it was just from being asleep. I looked up at Newt. He was awake, but his eyes were puffy, like he had just woken up. He smiled slightly and I looked up at him.
"Morning, love." He said. His voice was deeper and scratchier than normal, and it made my heart flutter a bit.
"Morning, Newt." I said before yawning and resting my head on his chest again. He rubbed my back and I sighed. He chuckled a bit.
"Emmy?" He asked.
"Hm," I groaned, not wanting to wake up yet.
"As much as I would love to lay here longer, you should get something to eat." He said, rubbing his thumb in circles on my shoulder.
"Nhm" I said, snuggling back into his shirt.
"Are you still tired?" He asked. I nodded, my eyes still closed.
"Mhm." I said quietly, almost about to fall asleep again. He laughed quietly.
"You've been sleeping all day, but if you need it, we can keep laying here." I felt his lips on my forehead, but then they pulled away quickly.
"What the...bloody hell your forehead is warm." Newt said, starting to sit up. I opened my eyes but I didn't move, I didnt want to wake up yet. Newt put his hand on my forehead and it felt cold. It felt really nice actually.
"Emmy, why don't you sit up and we'll have Clint and Jeff take a look at your leg?" He said. I shook my head.
"Nhm...Too tired....and my head hurts." I said, tucking my legs up to my chest. My body ached and felt warmer than normal, especially my leg. I could feel the heat spreading throughout my body, up to my brain, causing a dull ache.
"Um...Medjacks?" Newt called out. I heard two sets of footsteps walk over towards us.
"What's wrong, Newt?"
"Greenie's got a fever."
"Well, I mean that happens sometimes when you lose blood."
"No, I mean, a fever. Like, she's burning up."
"Newt, I'm sure it's nothing."
"Well, yeah, i thought so too...but she wont wake up, and she said her head hurts." There was a sigh.
"Okay, I'll take a look." I heard footsteps come over towards the bed. I felt someone else's hand on my forehead but I didn't move. I was too tired.
"Oh, wow, okay, um....Clint, where's the thermometer?"
"Um...over here." I heard shuffling around and footsteps came closer to me.
"Okay, Emmy, its Clint. We're going to check your temperature okay, can you open your mouth?" He asked. I opened my mouth a bit and he put something under my tongue. It felt weird, but I still didn't move. There was a beep and someone took it out of my mouth.
"Shuck, 103. Okay, somethings wrong. We need to make sure nothing's infected. It's the only thing I can think of that would give her a fever like that." I heard the boys walking around and someone started to unwrap the bandage from around my leg. I cringed. It hurt, it hurt a lot. The boys started mumbling and I tried to move my leg away from them. Someone held my foot so I couldn't move my leg and instead I turned over on my side and tried to fall asleep. I heard someone sit down on the bed next to me and felt someone grab my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Newt there, looking down at me. He looked confused, and concerned. I gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand a bit.
"I'm fine Newt, I'm just a bit tired, is all.." I yawned and rubbed my temple. Shuck my head hurt. I tried to seem fine, but it felt like someone was jumping on my skull. Newt smiled a bit at me and Jeff patted him on the shoulder. Newt stood up and he walked over to the two medjacks.
"Hey man, her leg's infected. It's swelling up and its only going to get worse if we don't get her some antibiotics."
"Well, do we have some?" Newt asked. I closed my eyes again. My head was pounding and the pain in my leg didnt go away.
"Um...that's the problem. we used the last bit on Josh? We really need to get some from the box soon."
"Well, that's um...tomorrow morning, right? Will she be okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. She'll be fine, it just wont be a fun 24 hours for her."
"Bloody hell.....okay. I'll go talk to Alby and we'll make sure to request some meds for her." I opened my eyes just as Newt kissed my forehead, smoothed down my hair a bit and walked out. I smiled and the medjacks started to look at my leg again.

{Newt's POV}

I headed back out down through the homestead to find Alby. I needed to make sure Emmy got those meds. She just got back, I need to make sure she stays healthy if I can. Alby was talking to a group of builders and I limped over.
"Hey, um, Alby, can we talk?" I asked, trying to say it quiet enough that only he can hear. The last thing Emmy needs is every builder knowing she doesn't feel good. There's still a few whispers about what happened with her and the roof. Alby turned around.
"Oh, Newt, sure. What's up?" He said, folding his arms over his chest. I pointed over my shoulder to the deadheads.
"Um, just us. Please." I said. He looked confused but he nodded and we walked away into the trees. We didnt go far, we just stood at the tree line and he leaned against an oak.
"Okay, what do you need to talk about?" He said, putting his hands in his pockets.
"it's Emmy. She needs meds, and we don't have any."
"Well we should get some tomorrow, right?" He looked over towards the box. I nodded.
"Yeah, it's just...She's not doing good Alby, and I don't know what to do. What if the creators don't send us any medicine? What if-" Alby cut me off and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Hey, Newt. Look at me, okay? She'll be fine. look, the creators send stuff up every time we need it, okay? Besides, she's strong." he said. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.
"Okay...sorry, I'm just....I needed someone to talk to and Minho is still in the maze. I'm gonna, um. I'll just go check on her again." I said, turning to walk off through the trees.
"Hey, Newt, hold up. Look, I get what's happening and stuff, but relax, okay? She's tough. We've had people get through worse and she's tougher than most of the shanks here. Just...relax." He said. I took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yeah, okay." I said, fiddling with the machete looped in my belt. Alby clapped a hand on my shoulder and smiled.
"Good that." We turned and headed out through the woods. Alby turned and went back to talk to the builders, but I turned and walked back to the medjack hut.

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