Chapter 32-The Vote

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Later that day I got called down to the council room by Minho. I had no idea what it was about, but I walked down regardless. However, I wasnt expecting what I was going to be greeted with when I opened the door. The first thing I saw was Minho standing there, his arms folded over his chest. He was looking at the floor, and when I walked in, he glanced up at me.
"Oh hey Em. We need to talk." He said quietly. I nodded slowly and glanced around the room. Everyone was here except for Newt, who was still up with the medjacks. Everyone was looking at me, and thats when I noticed that Gally was missing. I turned to Minho.
"Where's Gally?" I asked. Minho licked his lips and glanced around the room.
"He'll be here in a second, all right? For now, you just need to explain what happened between you, Newt, and Tyler." He said, and I nodded slowly. I took a deep breath and looked up at the group of boys.
"Well. It seemed like we have these kinds of meetings a lot now, huh? Well, anyways, Tyler attacked me and Newt the other day. He had Caleb with him, but he didnt seen aware of the situation. It was like Tyler had used the...serum...stuff on him again. I dont know. Anyways, they brought us into the woods, and tied me and Newt to trees. He hurt us. He tried to drown me, and Newt stopped him. Tyler got upset and attacked Newt and...." I stopped and looked at the ground.
"Well you should know what happened after that." I said quietly. The room was silent for a moment until Minho cleared his throat.
"Okay, so it seems like we have enough proof. He hurt not only one, but two of us. Thats enough proof for banishment alone. Then we have the fact that he potentially poisoned Caleb." Minho sighed, scratching the back of his neck and sighing.
"Okay. GALLY, BRING HIM IN." Minho shouted, and I looked around the room. Where was Gally again? He wasnt here as far as I knew. The door swung open behind me and Gally stomped in, shoving an angry looking Tyler into the room. Tyler had his hands tied behind his back and he fell to the ground of the council hall, his face landing in the dirt. I felt the blood heat up and race through my veins. Anger clouded my brain and I lurched forward, my arms outstretched, trying to get to Tyler. Oh, how I wanted to bash his teeth in, to kick him in the ribs like he did to Newt, and see how he likes it. I felt arms wrap around my waist, preventing me from reaching Tyler. I clawed the air, trying to get out of the boys grip. I shouted and screamed, pointing at Tyler and trying to hurt him. I wanted to hurt him.
"This is all your fault! Dont you have any idea what you put me through?! What you did to Newt?! I'll Kill you! I"LL KILL YOU! GET OVER HERE SHANK, AND I'LL SHUCKING KILL YOU!" I shouted, still trying to scramble out of the persons arms. Tyler looked scared of me, and he crawled back away from me on the floor. I kicked my feet out from under me, and the boy wrapped their arms tighter around me.
"Em, calm down. We all want to get payback for Newt and you, okay? This isn't the way to do it." Minho's voice tried to calm me down. He grabbed my arms and pinned them to my side, making sure I couldn't do anything.
"He could have killed Newt." I muttered, my voice so low it almost scared me. Minho nodded.
"I know, okay? He could have killed you too. Just relax, okay?" He said. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I felt like someone had dumped a bucket of anger over my head, but I slowly felt myself calm down. I relaxed a bit, still wrapped in Minho's arms. He sighed.
"There we go. Okay. Tyler, you have 5 minutes to make your case to the group about why you shouldn't be banished to the maze. If you lie, or hold back any information from us, I will let Emmy here bash your skull in. Or your teeth, whichever she prefers." Minho said. Tyler's eyes widened and he nodded a bit, looking around the room.  He didnt say anything for a bit, just looked at everyone. After about 30 seconds, gally groaned and marched over, grabbing Tyler by the shirt.
"Get off of your shuck butt, stand up, and tell us what the shuck happened out there. Forget the bugging grievers, you have four minutes before I kill you myself, slinthead. And don't think I'll have any sympathy for you, shank. I'll  bash your teeth in and watch you choke to death on your own blood." Gally spat in his face. Tyler swallowed and nodded, before Gally shoved him backwards so he was standing in the center of the room. Ill admit, even I was scared of Gally right now, and I know he would never hurt me. Tyler cleared his throat.
"Okay, so, um...Yeah. I have a reason for what I did to Newt, and Emmy." Tyler said quietly. He licked his lips and stood up a bit taller.
"I did that because Emmy is dangerous. You really think the only girl in the glade is innocent? Why else would they put her here?! She's trouble. She remembers everything, and so do I, and I'm telling you all, right her, right now. You should have let me kill her." He said loudly, almost shouting. The room fell silent, and I felt all eyes shift to me.
"What...I dont remember everything. I dont know what you're talking about." I said. Minho's arms fell from around my stomach and he turned to look down at me. He looked betrayed, like he though Tyler was right. I glanced around the room. The boys were glancing at me, each of them with a different expression on their face. they didnt believe Tyler, did they? Oh gosh, please tell me they dont. A few of them sighed and glanced between me and the greenie, who had a smirk on his face.
"Tyler, what the shuck, man. You really expect us to believe you?" Minho shouted. Tyler's face dropped and he looked surprised.
"Wha-You don't believe me? Why wouldn't you...she's not who you think she is!" He shouted. "I'm telling you, she's dangerous! She's-" Tyler was cut off by Gally grabbing his shirt collar again and yanking him to his feet.
"Your four minutes are up, shank. Let's go." He said. Tyler tried to break out of Gally's grip, but he's no match for Gally. I mean, he's what, 6 foot 5 inches, covered in muscles, and looks ready to kill someone. Yeah, uh, R.I.P. Tyler. Gally pulled him out of the hall, the black haired boy still screaming how I'm evil. The door slammed behind them with a thud, but the screaming continued. Although it was muffled, I heard everything he said.
"She's going to kill you all! You have to believe me! I'm telling you! She's-" He was interrupted by a cracking sound, of knuckles on bone, which was followed by a thud, and then silence. Gally swung the door open slowly, and Tyler was laying on the grass behind him, unconscious.
"Hey, uh, Zart, a little help please. Let's get this piece of klunk to the slammer." He called. Zart jumped out of his seat and ran over to the door, getting ready to grab Tyler's feet so they could carry him. He stepped around the unconscious boy, taking extra precautions to step on a few of Tyler's fingers as he did so. The two picked him up as Minho swung the door closed. He sighed.
"Alright, so. It's time to vote. Gally already told me he wants to banish Tyler, what about everyone else?" He asked. The room looked between each other, until a track-hoe spoke up.
"I know Zart. He'd want Tyler banished." The boy said. Minho nodded.
"Who else? If you think he should be banished at sundown, raise a hand." He said. His gaze shifted around the room, and it didnt come as much of a surprise when every single person raised their hand.

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