Chapter 31-Newt's a Baby

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"Okay, let me check your ribs." I said, setting the bandages on the bed next to Newt. He groaned.
"Why can't I just do it?"
"Because you wont be able to tell what the problem is, will you?" I put my hands on my hips and Newt pouted.
"No, but...ugh, fine. Just be careful, it hurts like hell." He pouted, slowly uncrossing his arms from over his chest. I nodded and sighed.
"Stop being a baby." I muttered quietly, smirking just the slightest bit.
"What did you call me?" Newt asked, whipping his head to look at me.
"Nothing, nothing." I put my hands behind my back and looked away.
"No, I heard you say something." He said, a smile tugging at his lips.
"I may have called you a baby, since you're acting like one. Stand up, idiot." I laughed. He rolled his eyes but eventually uncrossed his arms from over his chest and stood up.
"I'm not a baby." He mumbled. I tried not to laugh, but couldn't help giggling a bit.
"Yes you are." I teased, crossing my arms over my chest.
"No, I'm your baby, but I'm not a baby."
Newt said quietly. I started laughing.
"Okay, whatever. I've never called you that, but if it makes you feel better, then sure. Can I check your ribs now?" I asked. Newt rolled his eyes again, even though he was smiling, and nodded. I walked over next to his side and he lifted his tank top so i could see the purple bruise that had blossomed on his side the other day. I barely brought my thumb up to it when Newt flinched.
"Okay, so that hurts I guess." I sighed. Newt nodded.
"Yeah, I could have told ya that." I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up. Medjack at work." I said. Newt sighed and looked out the window while I traced my finger over the bruise, as gently as possible. Yep, definitely a cracked rib. Not as serious as a broken bone, but it'll take a while to heal.
"Yeah, Newtie, it's a cracked rib. It means no working for a week, and even after that you'll have to be careful." I said. He nodded and sighed.
"Yeah, got it. No working, stay here. Let you take care of me, got it." He said, pulling his tank top back down.
"So, I'm all good then? Do you have any other words of wisdom for me?" Newt smiled. I shook my head.
"Nope. We need to ask for some ice packs for you, since we only have one left, but other then some pain medicine for you, you should be fine. How much does it hurt, by the way?" I asked. Newt licked his lips and looked up at the ceiling.
"Well, when i take a breath, it kinda feels like there's a buggin' needle stabbed into my side. I bet you know the feeling though. I'm gonna guess a nail feels the same way." He said, bobbing his head to the side a bit while he talked, which he normally does.
"Yeah, that wasn't fun. Except, you have a cracked rib. Yours is a bit worse than mine was. Mine healed with a few bandages, but you have to be careful so you don't hurt yourself more. Come on, let's get you an ice pack." I grabbed Newt's hand and pulled him over to to the cabinet. I grabbed the last ice pack and turned around, expecting to give it to Newt. But, instead of what I expected, Newt pressed his lips to mine, and wrapped his arm around my back. At first I was completely surprised, but soon after I realized what was happening, I kissed him back.  I tried not to touch his chest or stomach at all, since I didn't want to hurt him. Newt didn't didn't seem to mind though, as he pulled me closer to him, his hands resting on my back. I dropped the ice pack on the ground and rested my hands on the back of his neck, the best place I could think of that wouldn't hurt his chest. I ran my fingers through his hair as he pulled away, leaving my heart pounding in my chest. A blush crept its way onto my cheeks but I brushed it off and smiled up at him.
"What was that for?" I asked. He shrugged.
"I was just thinking about how the last time I got to do that was before the whole Tyler incident." He explained. I felt my eyes widen. He was right, and that was a while ago. With him and his injury, he had been on bed rest for a few days, and I hadn't gotten to see him much.
"Wow. You're right" I tucked some hair behind my ear and sighed. We haven't found Tyler yet, but we will. At least, i hope. I bit my lip and realized that Caleb hadn't been found either. If they went into the maze, they're definitely dead, and if not, they're going to need food and water at some point. I guess Newt noticed that I was thinking about them because he put his thumb under my chin, and tilted my head to look up at him.
"Hey, You alright?" He asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, just a little confused is all. I don't really know what's happening with Tyler and Caleb. They've been gone, so who knows what they could do next." Newt shook his head.
"Don't worry about that, okay? You're fine, I'm fine, everyone is fine. They most likely ran off into the buggin maze since they're idiots, so we most likely will never see them again. Besides, now everyone knows that happened, and if anyone tries anything, we're all here to protect you." Newt explained, his hands still resting on my back. I smiled a bit.
"Thanks. I needed to hear that. I just couldn't stand to watch them touch you again." I muttered, already feeling my mucked tense up at the though of Tyler. I swear, if he tries anything, and I mean ANYTHING, with Newt, I will kill him. That's a promise.
"Hey, im fine. Everything is fine. Are you good?" He asked. His brown eyes looked down at me, scanning my face. I felt another blush creep into my cheeks and nodded before I embarrassed myself.
"Good that. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, making up for the time that I was unconscious for." He smirked, leaning forward and kissing me again. I smiled a bit and kissed back. Normally we just smile and hug each other around the other gladers, since it's weird for them. However, considering the situation, and the fact that there was nobody around, we could do whatever we wanted, and i had missed him a lot while he was asleep...Ah shuck it. Who cares what everyone thinks, me and Newt kept kissing for a bit before I pulled away, a smile on my lips.
"Okay, as much as I'd love to keep doing that, you need to use this ice pack now," I said. I bent down, cracked the ice pack, shook it, and handed it to Newt. He glanced down at it, then back up at me.
"One more kiss?" He said quietly. I laughed.
"No. I need to do my job, and you need to put this on your bruise." I said. He frowned.
"Nope, Medjacks orders. You have to do what I say," I smirked, turning away from him towards the cabinet and pretending to busy before I muttered under my breath, "Baby,"

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