Chapter 27-He'll be okay

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"Newt? Can you hear us?" Clint asked. Newts eyes shifted slightly and he groaned, moving his head to the side. Jeff nodded.
"Okay, he responded, so that's a good sign." The two medjqcks nodded at each other in silent agreement, and both started working on Newt. Clint leaned over, checking Newt for a concussion. Clint started cleaning off a gash on Newts arm.
"Em, hand me to the gauze." Clint said. I nodded and grabbed it, handing it to him. He finished disinfecting the cut and wrapped up the gash. Jeff glanced up at me and then turned to the other boy.
"Hey, Clint, I've got Newt. Can you check Em for me?" He asked. Clint looked over at me, his eyes glancing up and down.
"Oh, uh. Yeah. What's wrong exactly?" He said. I sighed and looked at the ground.
"Oh uh, Ty-"
"You can start with the bruises on her neck." Jeff interrupted. I nodded, still looking at the ground. Clint wiped his hands on a towel and nodded, taking a step closer to me.
"Okay, let's see." He said, brushing my hair off of my neck and shoulders so it hung on my back. He ran his fingers over the bruises, looking at where they were and how bad it was. I flinched a bit when he touched one, and he apologized, pulling his hands away.
"Sorry. What happened out there exactly?" He asked, letting my hair fall back onto my neck, covering the bruises.
"Um. Tyler happened." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. He raised an eyebrow but sighed, backing up.
"Fine. Just be careful. The bruises and the mark on your cheek aren't serious, so you should be fine. Let me see your arms." He said, grabbing a bottle of peroxide off the shelf. I uncrossed my arms and held them out to him. Clint grabbed a rag and walked back over to me, dipping the fabric into the bottle. He held my wrist while he dabbed the cuts and I barely even flinched when it stung.
"Where'd Tyler go?" He asked quietly. I shrugged.
"I don't know. He ran off into the woods somewhere, and Galley chased after him." I said quietly. Clint glanced up at Jeff, then Newt, then back at me.
"Well, at this point, he's banished no matter what he does or says. He hurt you, and Newt. Plus, not only did he skip his work for a day, he drugged Caleb into doing the same thing. He broke two of our rules, so he's in a ton of trouble." He said, setting the napkin down and putting bandages on my cuts.
"Good. I should have gotten him banished when I first saw him. Maybe newt wouldn't be in this position right now." I muttered. Clint stopped and glanced up at me.
"Don't think like that. You had no idea what was going to happen, alright? You did the best you could." He said. I looked at the ground.
"But if I just let Tyler do whatever he was going to do he might have left Newt out of it. He had already hurt Newt, and I just made it worse. I should've ju-"
"Stop. He'll be fine. Now go get changed before you catch a cold." Clint ordered, shoving a spare t-shirt into my arms. I glanced over my shoulder at Newt. I really didn't want to leave him, what if something happened?
"Em, he's fine, go get changed." Clint said, tossing me a towel.
"But what if he wakes up?" I asked, glancing to Newt again.
"Well if he wakes up and you're standing there shivering and sick, he'll throw me in the pit, not you. Go get changed." Clint ordered. I nodded, biting my lip. He has a point. Newt wouldn't want to wake up and have me sitting there shaking from the cold. That would just make him feel worse, I bet. I took one last look at him and turned, heading back to my room to get changed.
    When I got to my room I tossed the clean clothes onto my bed, and started stripping off my t-shirt. The fabric stuck to my skin, as a reminder of what Tyler had done. I took off the shirt and threw on the dry one. It was a bit big, but that was no surprise since it wasn't a girl shirt. I changed out of my jeans into a pair of denim knee length shorts, and threw on a sweater overtop of the shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair, detangling it as best as I could, before I pulled it back into a low ponytail.
"Em, you in there?" A voice called from outside my closed door.
"Uh, yeah. Be right there." I called back. I smoother my hair down and pulled up the hood of my sweater so it covered the bruises on my neck, then opened the door. Gally was standing in the hallway. He look furious, and also ashamed for some reason.
"Hey, um, you haven't seen Tyler by any chance have you? Like, do you know which way he went?" Gally muttered. I raised an eyebrow.
"Um, what? No, I uh, I was too busy making sure Newt was breathing." I said. Gally nodded and his jaw tensed up.
"Okay. I'm going back out then." He said, his hands clenched into fists at his side, and he turned on his heel. I closed the door behind me and grabbed his arm.
"Wait! Thank you, for trying to find him, but it's going to be dark soon. I don't want you in the woods when he could sneak up on you at any moment." I said. He turned around slowly and looked down at me. The intense look in his eyes slowly faded, and he sighed, letting his hands relax at his side.
"Yeah, you're right. I just don't want him coming back." Gally said. I nodded
"Me neither, but right now, we all need to get some sleep." I said.
"You and Newt need to sleep. We can't leave you guys unattended with that maniac running loose. I'm going to talk to Alby about seeing if we can have someone guard your rooms tonight." He said quietly. I smiled a bit and gave him a quick hug.
"Thanks Gally."
"No problem, nobody hurts my sister." He said. I laughed a bit into his shirt.
"I thought that was over." I giggled. He shook his head.
"Nah, you're still my little Em. I may not actually be related, but I feel like you're my sister." He said. I nodded and backed up.
"Okay, thanks Gally."
"No problem sis, now go check on Newt." He said, patting my shoulder. I nodded and walked off through the homestead. I can't believe everything that's happened today. Was it really just this morning that Newt was kissing me in the gardens? It couldn't be, right? I mean, that feels like years ago. I walked into the medjack hut and thanked Jeff for his help.
"Would you mind keeping an eye on him tonight? Clints already gone, and i can't stay awake much longer. If you need someone to take a turn watching him, call us, we're right down the hallway for a reason." He said. I nodded and he smiled before walking out. I sighed and looked back at Newt. A lump immediately formed in my throat. He had a sheen of sweat on his forehead, and the bruises on the side of his face were more visible now. Jeff had taken off his sweater to check for any internal bleeding, and now Newt just laid on the bed in his undershirt. There was a bandage wrapped around his torso to help staunch the blood flow of a gash on his side, and there were more wrapped around his wrist in the same spot as mine. Great, when this all over we'll have matching scars.
       I pulled over a chair and sat next to the bed, leaning over and brushing the hair off of his face. I could see the bruises and his busted lip, but he didn't seem in any pain currently. I smiled weakly.
"Ironic, isn't it? I guess we're just a magnet for problems, aren't we?" I said quietly. Why us? Why couldnt we have a relationship where we just garden, or cook, or run all day without any drama or injuries. (Um, cuz those kind of stories are no fun to read, duh.)
"How many times is one of us gonna be unconscious in here, huh?" I whispered. Newt didn't move except for the steady rise and fall of his chest.
"Gosh Newt, what'd that shank do to you?" I asked, my eyes starting to water. I kept playing with his hair. It helped calm him down when he was awake, maybe it'd help now? I don't know, but it made me feel like he was just sleeping, like he was fine. He'll be okay, he'd be fine. I know he will, right?

(A/N) sorry for the shorter chapter, I was gone all weekend at my chorus concerts, since they make us do it three times🙄 anyways, hope you like the chapter, and make sure to check out my new story! It's a youtuber fanfic, and it's got like no views rn, so...yeah, I'm a loser. Anyways, thanks for reading guys!

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