Chapter 47: 2 days left

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"Emmy, are you busy?" I heard Newt say behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned over my shoulder. I smiled and kept cutting up the carrots on the counter for the soup we were serving for lunch.
"Why do you ask?' I said. He shrugged.
"I uh, have something I wanted to show you." He said, kissing my cheek. I smiled again and kissed him back.
"And what is it that you want to show me." I said, putting down the knife and wiping my hands on my pants. Newt unwrapped his arms from around me and leaned on the counter.
"Well, I found a big strawberry bush in the deadheads and thought you'd like to come pick some with me." He said innocently. I nodded.
"That sounds great Newt, let me finish up with this, and I'll be right out. Meet me by the homestead?" I asked. Newt nodded quickly.
"Absolutely." He said, and walked out of the homestead. He seemed excited, but maybe that was just me. I shook my head and kept cutting up the veggies.
"Hey Fry?" I called out. I heard his deep voice echo throughout the kitchen from in the storage cabinet.
"Yeah? What's up." He called back. I dumped the carrots into the broth in a big pot and moved on to the celery.
"I'm taking a break. Do me a favor and throw the chicken and pasta into the soup for me?" I called. Frypan popped out of the storage cabinet with a crate of something. Probably some kind of food since were in the kitchen.
"Yeah, I can do that." He said, setting the crate down on the counter next to me. I gave him a quick hug.
"Thanks Fry." I yelled before running out of the hut.

"Hello love, Ready to go?" Newt said as I approached the homestead. He had his hands in his pockets and his back against the wooden wall.
"Absolutely, Newtie." I said. He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me off into the woods.
"So, what did you say to Minho yesterday?" He said, looking down at me. I shrugged.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything." I said, looking at ground. Newt chuckled beside me.
"Well that's a lie. he goes into the maze looking all depressed and comes out looking as happy as Gally when he gets to beat up a greenie." He said. I laughed a bit and he smiled.
"Alright, we found something new. It made him happy I guess." I said. Newt nodded and licked his lips.
"Makes sense. Sounds like the kind of thing he'd do. The shank is always looking for adventure." Newt said, waving his hand in the air. I nodded, laughing.
"Very true. Very, very true." I said. Newt stopped walking and I paused too.
"Okay, so ummm. I might have lied about a strawberry bush." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. I felt my head tilt to the side and my eyebrow shot up.
"Sooo, what are we doing here then?" i asked quietly. Newt smiled a lot and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"That's the surprise." He said, tapping his foot impatiently. I nodded.
"Okay, so...where is th-" I started but was cut off by Newt putting his hands over my eyes.
"Nuh-uh. No peeking." He said. I held in a laugh as he started to guide me through the woods.
"Careful, theres a rock." He said, and helped me make sure I didn't trip. At one point my shoelace snagged on a branch and of course he took care of that too.
"Okay, so. I'm going to take my hands away, but keep your eyes closed for a second, okay?" He said. I smiled and nodded.
"Okayyy? Sure." I said. He slowly moved his hands, and I heard leaves crunching under his feet as he walked away.
"Annnd open your eyes." I heard from a few feet away. I opened my eyes and saw Newt sitting cross legged on a blanket in a clearing. Next to him was jug of what looks like lemonade, a few sandwiches and a couple of apples. Then, there was a box sitting on the ground behind him, that had a lid on it.
I cant tell. I was too focused on Newt, and how adorable he looked, sitting there smiling. I put my hands over my mouth as I felt a smile spread across my own face.
"You did all this?" I said quietly. Newt nodded quickly, and I sat down next to him on the blanket.
"Why?" I said, giving him a hug." Newt shrugged again.
"I just figured you could use a break. You've been working so hard lately, between training the boys, and doing your jobs, not to mention running the maze with Minho yesterday, I just figured you could finally have a break." He said, kissing the top of my head. I blushed.
"Thanks Newt." I said. He smiled, before reaching over and grabbing a sandwich for both of us. We ate in silence, and it was perfect. 

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Newt said, disturbing the quiet. He jumped to his feet and grabbed the box that was closed. He sat back down next to me and set it on the ground.
"open it." He said smiling, tapping the top of the box. I nodded, and looked at him suspiciously.
"This isn't gonna be like a spider or something, is it?" I asked. Newt shook his head, a big smile still stuck on his face.
"Okay." I said quietly. I lifted the top off of the box, and peered inside.
"My dagger and your machete?" I said, lifting my dagger out of the box. Newt nodded.
"Yeah. There's something special about it, though. Check the handle." He said. I flipped the weapon around and ran my thumb over the engraving on the bottom. It had half of a heart, and a letter in the middle of it.
"N?" I said. He nodded, pulling his machete out of the box. He flipped his over, and showed it to me. There was the other half of the heart, but his had an E screamed into the wood. I raised an eyebrow but kept smiling.
"What are the letters for?" I asked. Next grinned widely.
"Come on Emmy you're smarter than that. It's our names. Now I can have part of you with me," he taped the E on the handle ,"wherever I go." He said. I nodded.
"And you'll always be with me." I said, throwing my arms around his neck, both of our weapons tossed onto the blanket next to us.
"Thanks Newtie." I said into his hoodie.
"No problem love. I wanted to do something for you." He said.
"Thanks. I love you." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. Newt sucked in a breath.
"What?" He said, looking down at me. I yawned.
"Wait you do?" He said, smiling bigger than before. I nodded. What got him so excited anyways, all I said was that I-


I said I loved him.

The three words we hadn't spoken to each other yet. It was an unspoken thing. Both of us knew we loved the other, but never dared to say it.

And I had said it without even realizing. I sat up upright.

"Um. I, uh....i mean. Of course I love you, but you might not love me back,'s fine I guess." I mumbled. Newt put his hand up to stop me.

"Emmy, I do lo-" a loud crash sounded in the woods near us and Minho came crashing in.

"Emmy! I found something knew! The thing we found yesterday, the cliff, I think that there's something else there! You need to come check it out with me tomorrow!" He said, finally stopping for a breath.
"Wait, was i interrupting something?" He said. I sighed, letting my head hang.
"Nope. Nothing. Why are you here Minho?" I said, a bit of harshness in my words that I never intended to show. Minho running the back of his neck.
"Um...Alby wants to see you." He said, pointing at newt. He let out a long sigh before standing up.
"Right. I'll be back to clean this up in a bit. Let's go I guess Minho." He groaned, giving me a quick kiss before standing up and limping off into the woods with Minho.

And I sat there in the dirt.

He never got to say he loved me back.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now