Part 18

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Part 18:

Sanskar's Naration:

Heya ur anu is back with my story...dont get angry on her to give u late updates..she thinks alot to mould the story in different way and present it to u beautifully(Self appreciation :P)

So today m going to narrate this part myself

So there my girl is waiting to get a single glimpse of me and here am too eager to meet her and take her in my arms but what to do my higher officials have sent one officer to me on her discharge day and bought me here to this place which is unknown to me...they are not even allowing me to use my phone....

But thanks to them they are providing me the cctv footage of camera installed at my house where my swaa is present now....It kills me to seee my girl in pain

But am happy to see her desperation to see me but it hurts as well ...... whenever the door opens her whisper or her lip movement of saying "SANSKAR" tells me how much she is waiting to see me hurts to see th pain expression on her face when she finds out that the person entering the room isn't me.....

Acha i didnt tell u all na whom am i? I mean what is my secret?

So listen am a secret agent or u can say am high grade officer of UNO POLICE FORCE..People from different countries get into this force and helps to remove all the evils from all parts of the world(GUYS I DONT KNOW IT EXISTS OR NOT M JUST WRITING FOR MY STORY)

I have a supercool track record in my department.... u wana know few? listen....

I irradicated the drug mafia from african countries and now i suspect that the leader is behind me and responsible for the attack on swara....

I removed the name mafia from the dictionary of portugal states .....

I stopped woman and child trafficking from various countries and the list goes on............(HAHAHA SANSKAR KA SELF DABBA)

So as soon as swara was attacked i told my subordinates about the matter and now i am here to discuss the plan...

By the way u must be thinking how could i become a doctor so listen we people will be trained in all type of work ... nd psychology is my favourite part so rest u understand....

Do u know y i joined this force?Its all because of my SHONA my SWARA....

First time i met her when i was child and this thing happened......

My family always go to banglore to spend our holidays at our dadi's place so when i was 10 as usual we went to spend our holidays there.....

One day me and laksh went to park for playing...when we were playing football with other kids SHE gave her entry...She was 7 at that time......She was soo cute...chubby cheeks ,pouty lips,big doe eyes,beautiful hair,nice height and personality...She joined us in playing....yaar she really plays well...all the gang members who were between 10-14 used to go tally on her and that age only they used to hit on her .....even i got attracted to her but she never gave any heed to anyone....She used to only talk to few in the group and luckily i became one of them...we used to spend tym together playing even after the kids disperse...Daily we both used to go home late .... We used to share about our school ...our friends...make fun of our teachers.....Chase each other and trouble lovers in the park too....Build castles with sand,play on swing and other things in the park

But one day when we were playing there was complete silence in the park...never the park was like that ...we both just neglected it and kept on playing with each other..but suddenly few people came to us and kept something on both of our noses...we fell unconscious ....When we opened our eyes we were in some dark place she was lying beside me...i woke her up and we started moving around and reached a place where goons were talking...after listening to their convo we came to know they were people who do child trafficking...i got scared but my SHONA was very brave...we both found few more children over there like us...we went towards them and my sweet cute girl told us a plan to get out of there...i was shocked to know her brave side..she was not like me scared and all but was brave and was ready to face anyone to save herself and us too....I asked her how can she be such brave in this situation?she said "My mom says that we should never get weak in times of problems but should think of solution to get out of it...we should never run from problem but should face it in a brave manner and no problem can trouble us"

At that moment i felt proud of my SHONA ...A girl at her age with such mature mind is really a surprising thing but here we are talking about my girl.......we all did according to her plan and atlast we succeeded as police arrived and saved us all....As soon as we reached home her parents were at my place both our mothers came to us and were crying badly ...i started crying with mom but my shona was calming her mom that she is safe and fine.....then i narrated the whole happeninings to our families...her parents felt proud of their daughter and my parents admired her...

At that time i decided to stop all these illegal activities goin on in various countries and m here....

Now u must be thinking how we got listen...In one year we became good friends whenever i got a holiday i used to go to her place....but after an year they shifted to someother place and after that we couldnt get in contact...

How i got to know that she is my shona?Answer is when i went to her house to stay at night that day i saw a photo of ansh and swara...i asked her more pics of swara and ansh showed me albums of swara and at that time i came to know about her....,...

Acha shall i tell u all a secret.....Me becoming doctor of was not an accident i mean me meeting ansh and developing friendship with her and all was my plan because.......













I have been stalking this girl swara from 2 years....i saw her in a bussines party in london...u know i fell for her at first sight...from that day i stalked her and got to know about her except the reason for her changed behaviour and pain she is carrying in her heart....

U wana know about her pain?hen people u should only ask her.....

See i am getting a call now...will meet u people later...


So guys how is the update...i just wanted to try to give an update in new way...i hope it was interesting and entertaining too....

If u like this one please do tell me so that i can give u all in swara's type too...

I hope i satisfied u all...i hope the update was not bakwas...

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