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I got tagged by @thesupernaturalTeen

1: I have a dog and two cats

2: I have 9 siblings if ur also including my step siblings

3: My favorite TV shows that I'm obsessed with are TVD, Supernatural, TWD, B&TB, TO, Arrow, The Fosters, OUAT, and Charmed

4: I love reading Fan Fiction and Teen Stories on Wattpad

5: I love my fans and writing on Wattpad (p.s: thank you all for the support I'll try to update ASAP)

6: I like all kinds of music

7: I love photography and anything in the arts like writing(obviously), acting, painting, drawing, etc.

8: I am 15, going on 16 in January

9: My sibling that I'm closest with is my baby sister Daisy, but I call her my little munchkin ever since she was born. We're 11 years apart so she's 4 now. We have a greater bond then the rest of my siblings bc I technically raised her.

10: I love action movies with cars, Fast and The Furious Bitches!!!💖

11: I can watch horror movies but I need someone to watch them with or I'll be out of there slicker than shit.😂

12: I hate bullies/bullying (any), coming from a victim from it.

13: MGK (Machine Gun Kelly if u don't know what it stood for) is my favorite rap artist. His song Wild Boy is my absolute favorite but At My Best technically describes me.

Thanks guys.

People I Tag:





You must tag 13 people
You either have to do the tag or upload a video of you singing

You have to title it "Lit"
You can't refuse
You must do it within a week.

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