Chapter 38

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I stood frozen in place, unsure of what my first move should be. All three of them stared back at me with unreadable expressions, and I wondered how much they knew. Who was I kidding? They knew everything. For the last twenty years they've known everything while the rest of us remained in the dark.

"Cat got your tongue?" Antonio's voice was menacing as he drummed his fingers against the dark wood of my desk. He reminded me so much of my father as he sat there, not even trying to hide his contempt. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

"Just surprised to see you guys." I answered quickly and walking towards an open chair by Angelo. "I didn't know you were coming into town." 

I shot Angelo a piercing glare. A little warning would have been nice. Angelo shrugged his shoulders as if to say he had been blindsided by this as well.

"It was a last minute trip." Antonio quipped, eyeing me as if he were sizing me up. It was a stark contrast to our last meeting, when he told me Charlotte was his daughter. His demeanor was soft and understanding then. Now, just by the threatening look in his eyes, I knew this conversation wasn't going to go the same way. Antonio was livid, for more reasons than one. His enemy was after his daughter and in his eyes, I had defied him by continuing to see her. The transgressions awakened a bear out for revenge and God help anyone who got in his way.

"Well we're glad you're here. Are you planning on coming down to Miami? for the opening?" I offered, hoping to lighten the mood. The irony of this situation was not lost of me, Angelo, Carlo, Marco and I sat here like four boys that had been called into the principal's office, awaiting our fate.

"I have no interest in Miami." Antonio sneered. "Tell me about the bombing. Was it Silvano?"

Angelo jumped in. "Yes. He was responsible. It was a basic car bomb. Someone placed it under their car while they were in the building. Somehow they got around security."

"What was the damage?" Gabe asked. As always, he was interested in the business side of things, gathering as much information as possible. Seth stood by clenching his fists, as if he couldn't wait another second to get his hands on the person responsible. God, how I wished I had the two of them here with me. They were a ruthless and lethal combination, not to mention I missed their friendship.

"Not much. There was some shrapnel but it was mostly contained in a small area. The building had no damage; it was clearly meant to be personal." Carlo interjected. I was impressed with how much they figured out while I was with Charlotte.

"But the actual culprits, they got away?" Antonio asked.

"Initially." Marco spoke. "But we've got them in the tombs now. Two men. One of Silvano's capos. I have a feeling he'll sing like a fucking song bird if we press the right buttons." Marco had a devilish grin on his face. I couldn't help but see a little bit of myself in him. Sure, he was still a little green, but give him some time and he would be rock solid for us.

Antonio sat back absorbing all of the information. There was a hint of satisfaction on his face, knowing that it was being taken care of so quickly. It irked me a bit that he hadn't asked how Charlotte was. Surely, Angelo told him she wasn't hurt, but his lack of interest made my blood boil.

"Could you guys give us a second? We will meet you down in the tombs shortly." Angelo and the rest of the men didn't waste a single second in following their order, as if to show me I was the only one ignorant enough to defy him. Marco shot me a sympathetic glance over his shoulder.

Once we were alone, Antonio shifted in his seat. I was certain he was plotting all the ways he could kill me. 

"I'm here because of Charlotte, and your blatant disregard for my order." He practically spat.

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