1: Starter

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It is normal to hear of girls who have taken a dance class at least once in their life. Some parents would just place their daughters in ballet to show off how amazingly talented their children were. I know this to be true because I grew up surrounded by these types of "dance moms". Many parents placed their daughter into dance as an afterschool activity or just to have some peace and quiet for a few hours.

I'm not saying that's exactly a bad thing. I mean come on, that same thing happened to me. When I was two and my mom needed some peace and quiet from all the noise I was making, so she placed me in ballet class.

That was her mistake. Ever since then I have been training to become a ballet dancer and have wasted no time with friends or school work. The only thing I keep my mind on is to become a prima ballerina.

But before I get into a rant about my hopes and dreams, I might as well start from the beginning.

At the age of two years old, my mom found this cute little dance school right by Starbucks called

The Marina Classical Dance Academy but for short, we call it the MCDA.

Since my mother needed some time away from me, she decided to hand me over to my dance teachers every day for an hour to learn ballet. Ms. Marina, my ballet teacher, took me in gladly and from then on out she started teaching me how to dance ballet.

The day my mother decided to place me in dance was the best day of my life. That was the day that I met my later best friends Olivia, Elle, and Harper.

While I was in dance class, my mother would be in Starbucks, drinking her hearts delight in coffee drinks and talking with her friends about the latest news at her work.

For the first few day of dance, I would always think that we came to play games, and that's how Ms. Marina taught us for the first year. The games she taught us were really different dance poses in disguise that were just a little more fun looking to a child like me.

For example, one of the games we learned was called flower. We would squat down to the floor like we are a little seed and then following the beats of the music; we would rise up and hold our hands in a circular formation above our heads.

What she was really teaching us were the following:

1) how to balance on your toes

2) demi-plié

3) third position hands

4) Learning how to dance with music and count beats.

That was only one game though. And Ms. Marina taught us many games like this one.

At the age of five, Ms. Marina started to show her true colors to all of us dancers who did not quit out of dance because we got bored. That was the first weeding out session most dance teachers use to get rid of girls.

Instead of playing games, we were stretching and learning how to point our feet into a pretty point and learning how to hold ourselves up like the adult dancers did. This was also the year we started using the bare. As exciting as it may seem, being a five year old dancer was also one of my scariest years as a dancer. You want to know why?

One word


Yes ma'am, at the age of five, Ms. Marina made us all lie down and spread out our legs as far as they would go, then she would push them out further for us, and it hurt. But the worst way she taught us how to get our splits was when you first start standing up and then you let your feet slide until they can't go any further. Then Ms. Marina places weights on our legs, making us reach the bottom of the floor in a perfect, but very painful split.

I'm not trying to make you all think that dancers get tortured during training, because we don't. We want to be dancers; it's just very hard to get to become a dancer.

It took me two months to get all my splits perfect but in the end it was so worth it.

Now that I have pushed you through all the boring stuff, now we can get to where I am now.

I still live here in Washington State, and I still go to MCBA, it's just now I am just about to turn 16 and I am going through harsh training to become a dancer.

This is my everyday schedule during the week:

Wake up

Go to school

Get picked up

Go to Ballet

Go to Bed

Did you notice how homework is not a part of my schedule? Well yeah that's on purpose since I have no time for homework, so you could probably guess where my grades are now.

Anyway, my friends are still with me at ballet. Harper, Elle and Olivia take the same classes as I do and we all have the same goal to become professional dancers. We also share the same dislike of girls in our class.

Keep in mind that my friends and I are very friendly to most people, we just cant stand the fake dancers who walk into our second home (Dance Studio) and decide that they are the best of the best in the room.

There are seven other girls in my Level other than myself and three friends.

First there are the dancers who do not want to be dancers but are still in the class just for fun. In this case, we have Nichole Adalaide and Tina Chaneler. They most likely do not get the big parts in the ballet and are normally very friendly.

Next there are the weird dancers. And when I mean weird, I mean they have some problems either mentally or they just get into trouble all the time by the teachers but they do not know why they are in trouble. Pretty much the deer in the headlights. Those girls are Lulu McAdams and Jojo Luce.

Then we have the worst of the worst. You never want to be in these girls bad spot because they pretty much rule the studio. It's either because their parents are rich and send in lots of checks to the dance studio to make them be on the teacher's good side or they have their moms who do the costume help or the adult classes. Either way their parents are the reason why they have so much power. Also they are normally the ones who end up with the big parts or if they don't get that part and someone who in their mind is below them gets it instead, then that person might as well leave now and never come back. We have unfortunately three of those girls in my class. Cara Hyde, Wendy Matthews and the worst of them all Sara Clark.

Sara Clark is the head girl of that group. She is worse than the other two. In other words, she is the bitch of the dance class, so all hail her.

My friends and I make up the regular group. We are pretty much a little of all the groups. We each have a bitchy side used during competitions in dance, the weird side, were we are literally addicted to Starbucks coffee and all the energy drinks you could think of. And then the not really dancer side where deep down inside of us we all wish to be normal teenagers who are worrying about the next big test at school.

There are also the boys, and they have two different groups that they are placed in, but it's too much to go into that much detail with them since even if some of them are slightly attractive, there's a big percentage that their gay, which sucks.

All in all, dance class is almost like a second high school filled up with all types of people who just want to get the top spot on our dance teachers list.

So you might be wondering, whats my name?

Its Rosetta, but you can call me Rosie.

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